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Date Posted: 16:43:05 05/24/04 Mon
Author: DON3k
Subject: Bobby's Junker from Talking Shop

Ready to be bored? Great!

The basic premise of this week's episode was that Bobbie was talked into taking Shop Class by Hank, so Hank then goes to the junkyard to get a total Junker for Bobby to work on.

Most of the time, for signature character vehicles, the Producers must provide images of real-world vehicles to the animators overseas on how to draw the specific car or truck they have in mind. Hank drives a Ford F250, which replaced his Ford Ranger, both of which are always drawn very accurately. Neither of these are common in the rest of the world, and many overseas people have never seen them in person. Boomhauer drives a 1970 Dodge, which is dead-on, and again, would not be found overseas. Previously to that, he owned a 60's Mustang, also perfectly drawn.

This week, when they went to the junkyard, they must not have specified a vehicle for them to draw as the Junker. So, they must have picked a vehicle found overseas as their Junker. I look at it, and spotted it as a car I recognized. However, it's a Very Strange selection for them to have chosen.

Below is a link to the pics of the show, along side the real car's for comparison.

Basically, Bobby's Junker is a mid-70's Ford of Australia's Falcon. A very unusual car, not available in any other country, and certainly not a car available here in the us for consumer sale. A XC Falcon, sold as a Fairmont trim package, and a XB Falcon Sedan, which is pretty much the same, but the hood that's drawn looks more like the latter. You all know this car, well, the 2-door model, as the Mad Max car!

Take a look at my link for proof. I guess when they're not given direction, who knows what they'll draw.


Have I put too much work into this? Maybe... OK, I did. Do I pay too much attention to minor details? Sure…



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