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Date Posted: 22:31:31 06/17/04 Thu
Author: Cody
Subject: Correction
In reply to: Cody 's message, "Re: (Yet another) Request for song names" on 00:33:50 06/05/04 Sat

>>There were a couple of old time bluegrass type songs I
>>liked in "They Call it Bobby Love." Does anyone know
>>the names and artists associated with them? They were
>>the songs Bobby listend to alone in his room after
>>being rejected by Marie. I'll eagerly await the
>>release of season 3 on dvd, til then. Thanks all.
>I know one is Hello Walls by Willie Nelson. The other
>I forgot, but it's probably popular enough that next
>time you hear it you can search the lyrics of it on
>the web. Good song.

This episode was on tonight, so I heard the lyrics of the two songs sang in both shots of Bobby depressed on the floor, then looked them up on the web, downloaded them, and double checked track listings to make sure they were from those artist.

Anyway, your songs are:

There’s a Tear in My Beer Lyrics - Hank Williams, Jr.

I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry - Hank Williams

But I do think Hello Walls was used when they first showed it instead of There's a Tear in My Beer, which makes me think the possible dispute over the Season 3 DVD release could be because of Willie Nelson. The plot thickens.

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