"I'm certainly not happy about what happened to that lil' old lady, but I'm not going to freak out because of it. What happened there was a random, senseless, brutal act and it in no way can be construed to be the 'norm in this city. I'm sure I'll catch hell for this, but direct family members and friends aside, I think the reason that so many out there are so filled with revulsion is the fact that one of the white folks got killed"
Wow, if I were a member of this woman's family I would be outraged at this comment. People are mad because she was a white woman? No, I beg to differ. People are mad because she was an innocent person, minding her own business in her own apartment, not capable of ever hurting anyone. I don't care if she was white, black, purple, or orange and anyone would half a brain would feel the same.