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Date Posted: 23:56:05 08/21/05 Sun
Author: Ethel Hozniak
Subject: Cindy is to Chuck as____is to..........

Oh, honey, I know you missed me. It's been so long but I've been out on the road with moveon.org and its been such a great summer getting the word out.

Then, out of nowhere, Chuck Hagel goes and spreads the word for us. Good 'ol boy Republican Chuck goes and spews his "anti-American" hate.

Just a taste of what Chuck had to say in his home state of Nebraska:
The end result, he said, probably will be some form of Islamic republic. But there's a 50-50 chance Iraq will implode as Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds vie for power or autonomy.

Already, Iran exercises more influence in Iraq than the United States does, Hagel said.

"It's a pretty bleak picture," he said. "I'm sorry to give you such a report. But I owe you an honest assessment whether you agree with me or not."

Now why would some Presidential aspirer start saying such things. I get the feeling that Chuck is going to get a voice mail telling him "Your either with us or against us."

Now if Chuck thinks we're looking at an Islamic state, what on Allah's green Earth happened to that democratic state my tax dollars were going to create.

What about freedom? All those other Islamic states don't have freedom so what would make Iraq any different.

And then Chuck goes and says that Iran has more influence than the U.S.

Markie, what the hell are we doing over there? What are those kids dying for? It sure as hell isn't so the terrorists don't come here because I just watched Hannity on the border and it's about as secure as S. Main St. in W-B.

Please, Zorcong, tell us how you'd kick some camel jockey ass!

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