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Date Posted: 14:26:55 03/14/04 Sun
Author: Red Dawn
Subject: .::. The crimson sun has risen .::.

.::. Sighing, the fatale placed a neatly-shaped hoof in the depths of the mud on the lake's bank, then pulled it out. She giggled at the suction-cup noise it made, and interestedly observed the fine details of the bottom of her hoof that were engraved in the brownish sludge. It was interesting how easily she could amuse herself when bored.
Then, realizing her thirst, she crept closer to the water and reached down to drink for a few moments.
Once her delicately dished face had risen, she looked around and tested the air with her nares. There was another mare here somewhere.. and Shalimar was with her.
The crimson dove frowned. To tell the truth, it made her a bit jealous the way Shalimar had gone rushing off just to escort this new fae into his home. He could have at least said 'good-bye'.. .::.

((Oh my...))

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