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Date Posted: 23:01:15 04/05/04 Mon
Author: Shalimar
Subject: ...:~ Fuego Animado ~:...

So pallid Lord of the Mists has vacated the conversation. Guilt soon clouded over as his auditories swiveled back against his cranium, straining to hear any possible shouts of anger or cries of depression. But why would either one of them cry over him!? Shalimar, how pathetic you are within your thoughts... Masculine pillars continued to carry his potent body acroos his terrain while deep orbs of russet closed in deep thought - and there she was, Esperanza, his goddess of hope. Terror shook over his body in the forms of waves and forced the mighty titan of white to cease his movements. Where had that come from? Why was she popping back into the picture? Dial abruptly turned toward the direction he had ventured from in a wild attempt to figure things out - and that is when it hit him. A hard snort blew ouyt into the thivk air as the lucid steed shook his dial, a crystal tear flying down upon the grassy surface of his hazy loam.

- - - - - - - - - -

Mi Amor...

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