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Subject: Available Adoption Situations

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Date Posted: 13:30:18 10/04/04 Mon

Aspengrove Referral Service has the following adoption situations available. If you are interested in any of them please let me know as soon as possible. They will all match by phone conference, held on a first come first serve basis. Please either call Jeri at 208-266-0122 or email at jeri@aspenref.com
Code-Audrey-Birthmother due March 1st with a full African American baby, sex unknown. Birthmother lives in the Detroit Michigan. Birthmother is 26 and already parenting 3 girls, ages 6, 5 and 2. Her and the birthfather are in contact, and he knows of the pregnancy. She would like pictures and letters after placement. She is open to married couples or heterosexual singles of any race etc. Birthmother denies drugs, alcohol, or smoking during her pregnancy, is getting good prenatal care and is on Medicaid. Birthmother will require about $700 a mo. for living expenses. Fees will be $14,200 plus travel and legals. That fee includes my fee, agency fee, and all birthmother expenses.

Code- Shannon-Birthmother due Nov. 10th with a full Caucasian baby. Sex of the baby is unknown. The birthmother lives in Colorado, but will deliver in Utah. She wants a couple that lives somewhere in one of the connecting states to Colorado or CO itself. Birthmother is 23 and birthfather is 27. She is getting regular prenatal care. They birthparents were not married and are no longer together. Birthmother has 2 children she is parenting, a boy and a girl, 5 and 3. She cannot financially care for another child being as she gets no support for the two she has. Birthmother drank occasionally (socially) when she went out with friends the first 4-5 mos. of her pregnancy, before she knew she was pregnant. Birthmother would like to meet the adoptive parents before the birth, would like pictures and letters after placement and a couple that is at least open to the possibility of a visit now and then. She is not open to singles or same sex couples. They plan on getting her on Medicaid, but there is the chance they will not be able to, so a couple needs to be prepared that there is a small chance they will have to pay for the medicals. Fees will be $15,200 plus legals and travel, and the possibility of medical expenses.

Code-Ebony-Birthmother due Dec. 19th (but will have the baby earlier by C-section because of placenta previa) with a full AA baby boy in Columbus Georgia. Birthmother just started prenatal care and had an ultrasound. She is on Medicaid. Birthfather will sign. She would like pictures and letters after placement. She would like a married couple or heterosexual single. Fees will be $13,400 plus legals and travel.

Code-Natasha-Birthmother due Dec. 1st in the St. Louis area of Missouri with a 1/4 Caucasian, 3/4 African American baby boy. The birthmother is Biracial, 20 years old, has very light skin tones, does not drink or use drugs, but smokes about 2 cigarettes a day. The birthfather is full AA, has medium to light skin tones and is 27. He is in TX, but will sign. Birthmother is receiving prenatal care and is on Medicaid. Birthmother states the adoptive family can choose the level of openness they are comfortable with after placement. She is open to most any type couple or heterosexual single, but would like a couple or single with no biological children, but with adopted AA or Biracial children or at least a couple that plans on adopting more AA or Biracial children. She has a 1 yr. old daughter she is parenting now. Fees will be $9,900 plus legals and travel. That fee includes my fee, facilitator fee, and all birthmother expenses.

Code-Rebecca-Birthmom due near Houston TX with a 1/2 Hispanic 1/2 AA baby boy November 28th. No drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Birthmom is Hispanic and 21, birthfather is 31 and AA. She has not seen the birthfather since April and does not know his whereabouts. She is getting prenatal care and on Medicaid. Birthmother would like to see the adoptive couple at the time of the birth, but wants a closed adoption afterwards. She would like the adoptive couple at the hospital for the birth, but not in the delivery room. She wants a couple over 25, family oriented and stable. She is not open to singles or same sex couples. Fees will be $9,900 plus legals and travel.

Code-Tracy-Birthmother due in early Match with a 1/2 Cauc. (Birthfather is of Arab decent) and 1/2 AA baby. Sex of the baby is unknown. The birthmother is now living in Mesa Arizona but wishes to be relocated, probably to Utah, for the birth. Birthmother is 24 and AA, birthfather is 28 and from Sudan. He is 5'1" tall, weighs 180 lbs. and has a light complexion. He is married to someone else and does not want her to find out about this baby, so he will sign. She has a 9 year old that she placed for adoption at 2 years old, and a 4 yr. old son and 2 yr. old daughter she is now parenting. The birthmother is receiving prenatal care and on Medicaid. Birthmother had 2 glasses of wine before she knew she was pregnant, but other than that no drugs, alcohol, or smoking. She would like pictures after placement. Birthmother is not open to singles or same sex couples. She would like a married couple, wants them at the hospital for the birth (she will be having a planned C-section), and a couple that already has adopted children, or one that plans on adopting more children in the future. Fees will be $9,900 plus legals and travel.

Code-Jocelyn-Birthmother due Jan. 7th with a full AA baby, sex unknown. Birthmother lives outside of Atlanta GA. Birthmother is 19 and birthfather is 27. Birthfather will sign. This birthmother has a son and daughter she is already parenting. Birthmother is receiving prenatal care and is on Medicaid. She denies any drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Birthmother would like to talk by phone before the birth and wants pictures and letters after placement. She is not open to singles or same sex couples. Fees will be $5,400 plus legals and travel.

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Re: Available Adoption SituationsChristine (happy)20:38:08 03/18/07 Sun

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