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Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 22:58:49 03/25/07 Sun
In reply to: IvanHu 's message, "Declarer Play" on 09:13:27 03/04/07 Sun

Assuming a 5 cards overcall
CA, CK, C ruff
Small H to Q
If 3-0H or LHO hold HAK, seems it always down
then, assume 2-1H
When RHO holds 2 cards H,
1) HAK, any return would be a ruff and discard after taking HA and HK
2) HAx, LTO takes the H
then a minor return will be a ruff and discard,
a S return, declarer takes with SA and exit a H
3) HA, RHO takes the H and any return would be a ruff and discard

>The bidding goes
>East South West North
>1D 1S 2H Pass
>2S Pass 4H Pass
>Pass Pass
>North leads DA. Dummy lays down his hand
>S K842
>H 8752
>C AK2
>Declarer has
>S A95
>H QJT642
>D Q8
>C 85
>After cashing DA, North shifts to S3. How would you
>bring the contract home?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Declarer Play

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Date Posted: 20:08:25 03/29/07 Thu

What a good play. Clap! Clap!
Where do you usually play bridge at?

>Assuming a 5 cards overcall
>CA, CK, C ruff
>Small H to Q
>If 3-0H or LHO hold HAK, seems it always down
>then, assume 2-1H
>When RHO holds 2 cards H,
>1) HAK, any return would be a ruff and discard after
>taking HA and HK
>2) HAx, LTO takes the H
> then a minor return will be a ruff and discard,
> a S return, declarer takes with SA and exit a H
>3) HA, RHO takes the H and any return would be a ruff
>and discard
>>The bidding goes
>>East South West North
>>1D 1S 2H Pass
>>2S Pass 4H Pass
>>Pass Pass
>>North leads DA. Dummy lays down his hand
>>S K842
>>H 8752
>>D KT
>>C AK2
>>Declarer has
>>S A95
>>H QJT642
>>D Q8
>>C 85
>>After cashing DA, North shifts to S3. How would you
>>bring the contract home?

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