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Subject: Re: Bidding

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Date Posted: 14:40:33 08/29/07 Wed
In reply to: IvanHu 's message, "Re: Bidding" on 22:13:46 07/06/07 Fri

>>>>>You have the following hand:
>>>>>S K
>>>>>H A86
>>>>>D A6
>>>>>C AKQT872
>>>>>The bidding goes
>>>>>You - Pn
>>>>>1C - 1S
>>>>>3C - 3H
>>>>>4C - 5C
>>>>>What would you bid over 5C?
>>>>Since you had under bid'd your hand by a ton,so the
>>>>normal bids (such as 5D forcing to 6C and hoping for
>>>>5S bid)are
>>>>all out.The remaining will be PASS ( Brave..hoping
>>>>a top),7C or & 7NT (greedy ..but these will be my
>>>>table bid,who knows what is 3H after 3C)
>>>Thanks for your reply. I am sorry I couldn't get the
>>>underbid you meant. 3C is forcing, showing a decent
>>>suit. 4C is slam try, asking pn to cue bid. Since the
>>>level is still at 4, pn could make cue bid for 2nd
>>>In my opinion, the disciplined bid should be pass.
>>>3C is commonly treated as invitational. If so, you
>>>must employ false reveres. It means you have to
>>>reveres with 3 or occasionally 2 cards.
>>>If your hand is that good to make slam without any
>>>help from pn, I think you should open 2C.
>>This is most "uncommon" to treat
>>1C 1X
>>3C as forcing. may be this is a good idea which opens
>>fields for thought.
>>indeed,the "false" reverse with a 2/3 cards suit is
>>the most 'common" parctise.The idea is to create a one
>>round force to find the 5-3 fit in the major as your
>>jump raise will 100% shows 4 cards support.
>>I do not think 4C is the slam try.What to do if you
>>cannot bid 3NT? 9 in case you do not have a Diamond
>>going back to my 1st para
>>1 minor 1Major
>>3 minor
>>This is a weak point in the standard bidding,always
>>need good partnership understanding in this sequnce.
>Traditionally, all jumps in natural are defined as 16+
>in term of HCP. It means it's forcing since opener
>could as many as 20 HCP.
>False reveres is employed by opener only. Since some
>treat 1m-3m as invitational, they need to estabish a
>forcing sequence. They would "borrow" the reveres. For
>the given hand, if opener plays 3m as invitational, he
>has to 2H or 2D. The risk of both bids would lead you
>to uncomfortable contract. Eg, pn would raise H with 4
>or he would bid NT with H and S stoppers in fact
>neither side may have no D stoppers if opener reveres
>with 3 or even 2. The worst thing is he jumps to 5D
>with a weak hand but long D. The pitfall of the false
>reveres is that pn could not tell whether you have a
>single suiter hand or 2 suiters hand. It puts pn
>completely in dark. Especially when opener needs some
>contributions from pn to find out possible slams , he
>would have problems to set trump properly and tell
>your shape. Opener may have 6-4. After reveres, he
>likely rebid his first bid suit again.
>Imagine if the pnship plays false reverse on this
>particular hand. Whichever reveres bid they choose, 2D
>or 2H, it's difficult to imagine that opener has 7
>solid C.
>4C is conditional slam try on assumption that 3C is
>game forcing. If game forcing sequence has been
>estabished, the only weak bid is the game contract
>itself. Fast arrival does in act. Therefore, 4C would
>ask pn to start cue bidding.
>If you really have no D stoppers, you likely have
>couple of S or H. 4-3 trump nor 5-2 trump isn't very
>bad contract. 4C is passable if 3C is invitational. pn
>could always return to 5C, if he think it's more
>comfortable contact. Another point to mention is 4H by
>opener could only show 3H support. with 4, he may have
>reveres in H.
>In fact, the issue of the hand is not on what 4c is.
>Opposite the 4C, pn keeps bidding on. The strong bid
>available to him is definitely a cue bid. After the
>strong suggestions from opener, trump should have set
>in C. Pn could have as few as 6 HCP. Opener wouldn't
>be able to find out that whether to bid 2D/2H or 3C.
>What I mean is that the captain of the bidding should
>be pn, instead of opener himself.

There is no point to play the 5C, give a go and try for 6C at least.

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