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Date Posted: 22:23:07 12/19/05 Mon
Author: Idiot
Subject: Stock scam: PRFN

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Date Mon, 19 Dec 2005 14:16:19 -0600
From Nikki Segura
Subject heya....This StOCk is gonna skyrocket,B.....chloride
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Hey there, got this email and thought i would pass it along, looks like another winner!

The Buy-In Report:

Publisher RTV Financial

Volume No.04 Issue No.12 Date:December,2005

The Buy-In Report

Offers proprietary research uncovering large naked short positions in


advanced software we can track the average short price in any given

ST0CK with incredible accuracy, and predict when they are going to

turn around and start to take off to the up-side.

Parafin Corporation:
sToCk Symbol: PRFN. This ST0cK just triggered a huge buy signal. A

rally is imminent.
The MACD analysis is very bullish and the Candlestick analysis--a

Bullish Engulfing pattern is very bullish. The volume started surging

on Monday the 12th, something is up with this sToCk.
According to news on the 13th, PRFN is beginning a new huge drilling

program of 1000 wells. Three have already been drilled. This looks like

PRFN is returning to oil and gas exploration, a field where it was a

very active and successful player. Just last year the st0ck was over

$1.50. This could be the start of a huge comeback for this company.


Imagine if this stOck would go back to that $1.50 level.
?Short Covering Rally?
A ?Short Covering Rally? can go much higher, faster. Here?s why.

Whenever a "long" buyer purchases st0ck, it temporarily removes some

supply from the market. That supply then shifts into the pool of

"potential supply" -- shares which may be sold at a later date.
The temptation to take a quick profit of a recent purchase is usually

too great for many shareholders. A ST0CK up 20-25% in a few days comes

back to the market as supply -- and THAT moves the StOCk price back

towards its moving average.
Contrast that with short covering. Remember, shorts sell first and buy

later. Since the short sellers have previously sold their shares.
Their covering purchases is an increase in demand, without the

commensurate increase in potential supply.
In other words, these purchases do not come back and hit the market.

Short covering does not cause near term profit-taking. So, the sToCks

go higher, faster, and ordinary investors like us can make bigger

profits faster!

Past Successful Short Covers:

GLoBAL LINKS CoRP Symbol: GLKC- Feb 2005
PETRoGEN CoRP Symbol: PTGC- Sept 2005
Very often, the management team, shakes the company up, and gets things

back on track. Examples of those turnaround situations where there was

a huge short position are Apple (AAPL), Kmart (KM), and Whirlpool

(WHR). Each of those st0cks had tremendous short positions before

management changed the fundamental picture of the companies. Short

covering helped drive the ST0cKs to the moon.
PRFN could be another big turnaround, of course on a smaller scale than

Apple, Kmart and Whirlpool. But, could be a chance to turn $1000-$2000

into some serious money.

see u there!

brownie americana annul bedrock celluloid..brahmsian afterword arbitrary choreography arbiter declaim complaint cardioid chert difluoride.
If you have received this by mistake and wish to make sure you are

removed from this list call-- 800-958-1815

Verify all claims and do your own due diligence. RTV Financial (RTV)

profiles are not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold

securities. RTV is not liable for any investment decisions by its

readers or subscribers. It is strongly recommended that any purchase or

sale decision be discussed with a financial adviser, or a

broker-dealer, or a member of any financial regulatory bodies. The

information contained herein has been provided as an information

service only. The accuracy or completeness of the information is not

warranted and is only as reliable as the sources from which it was

obtained. It should be understood there is no guarantee that past

performance will be indicative of future results. RTV purchased 125,000

shares of PRFN in an off the market transaction for $0.026 and plans to

purchase up to 40,000 more shares of PRFN at the market. RTV may sell

this ST0CK at anytime without notice.

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