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Date Posted: 06:03:31 07/18/06 Tue
Author: bingo
Subject: Stock scam: SRVN

Some stocks moving higher, some moving lower. You need to be on the constant watch. I have something which may be of great use for you, the clever trader.
This stock has made it big already, and it has a perfect chance of continuing its rise tomorrow.

Sound Revolution Inc. (OTC BB: SRVN)

Current Price: $0.87
Recent Price: $1.47
Short Term Target: $2.00
Long Term Target: $3.75

Sound Revolution Inc. (OTC BB: SRVN) to capitalize on emerging market
with Sale of Ring Tones VANCOUVER, BC— July 17, 2006 - Sound Revolution
Inc, a music distribution company, announces the addition of Ring Tones
to its recently launched website www.charitytunes.com.

Sound Revolution's www.charitytunes will be adding to its current
selection of thousands of songs and music packages with the addition
of over 500 unique ring tones. The ring tones will be for sale in digital
format and in a variety of genres that include pop, rock, Latin, jazz, rap,
classical, electronic, world and jazz. With a technology platform that
can handle millions of songs, charitytunes.com expects to add to its ring
tone library on a continuous basis during the next year.

Online sales of ring tones have proven to be a popular service and are
on the rise. Charitytunes.com intends to fully capitalize on this emerging

The Digital Music Report 2006 of the International Federation of the
Phonographic Industry reports the following:

* Digital format is the fastest-growing delivery channel for music.
Global record company revenues from digital sales (digital music & ring
tones) reached an estimated $US 1.1 billion in 2005, three times the value
in 2004 ($US 380 million).

* Single track downloads in 2005 worldwide more than doubled to 420 million,
proving to be the most popular online music product.

* Ring tones are the most popular digital music format, with 19% of Internet
users having downloaded a ring tone – three times the number that have
purchased a track online.

According to Digital Lifestyles 2006 Outlook, by Parks and Associates:

Digital content sales projected to increase more than 300% to grow to nearly
$9 billion in the next four years (2010)

About Sound Revolution and Charity Tunes
Music can change the world. Sound Revolution Inc., an innovative new media
corporation that marries business with social meaning, intends to change the
world - of online content delivery.

Sound Revolution wholly owns Charity Tunes Inc., whose charitytunes.com, a
music download website, is unique in its promotional partnerships between
musical artists and charities. For more info, go to www.soundrevolution.net,
www.charitytunes.com, or www.corporate.charitytunes.com.

Copy the strategies of most successful traders and benefit from this neglected stock.

Like the feeling of folding green? Perfect your trading skills, and I hope you will have lots of green stuff to fold!

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