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Date Posted: 13:00:57 11/17/05 Thu
Author: ben
Author Host/IP: adsl-66-159-193-108.dslextreme.com /
In reply to: Cho 's message, "SUV = EFFICIENT YET EXCESSIVE" on 17:44:23 11/15/05 Tue

IMHO the most important function of an auto is just a device that transports a person from point A to point B. If we agree upon the idea that an auto is just transportaion, then the next step is to decide how dependable, economical, safe, etc. ya want the car to be. IMHO using the general class of vehicles known as SUVs for daily transportation in an urban area is a waste of money and noting more than a fashion fad that is sold to the general public by american car companies interested in their bottom line.

When I wrote my specific rant why I think SUVs suck

www.phaster.com/road_trips/ suv_review_why_they_suck.html

I tried my best to be objective from an engineering, economic, environmental and nation security point of view


why the general class of vehicles know as SUVs are poor choices, but logical decisions oftewn get lost in slick marketing...


btw I'd have no problem driving Toyota Sienna, which is a pretty well engineered vehicle, around town. Its not very sexy I'll admit, but for getting from point A to point B in an urban area it makes more sense than driving my land cruiser


which is a poor choice of vehicle for a daily driver in an urban setting....

BTW sports cars as a class of vehicles like the porsche would be a better choice for urban transportation because they are more economical fuel wise, and space wise for the typical urban sorte when the typical number of people going from point A to point B is someing like 1.25 people per trip. However having a car that is capable of a top end of 170+ MPH and 0 to 60 times of under 5 sec IMHO is kinda of a waste of money in a country when the legal max speed limit is only 70MPH, and there is lots of stop and go traffic.

Then of course there is the question of driving ability, most american think they can drive.... In truth I'd say that 90% of american drivers over estimate their abilities. If ya ever get a chance to drive on the autobahn you would see the difference, no talking on cell phones whicle eating, no passing on the right, etc., etc.

>Ok, I used to be an SUV basher like yourself, but I
>have found my stance on it change as I now own one
>myself, and drive one on a very frequent basis. I'm
>not here to try and change your opinion, I just hope
>my words can help you understand why someone might
>want one of these "monstrosities". Ok first lets look
>at the options if you want a big car. You have an SUV,
>Minivan, or a Truck. Now if you have a large family,
>like me, I can almost guarantee your answer to this
>question. Lets see, trucks suck in general and serve
>no purpose besides to be gay (unless your actually
>using it for work purposes, which would be
>understandable), and I'm sure you wouldn't want to
>drive around a shitty ass minivan when you have 4 kids
>in the backseat. When driving that, you are
>automatically labeled a pussy ass bitch whos wife
>bitches him around for breakfast.
>Who wants that? Nobody, and if your telling me youd
>rather drive a Toyota Sienna instead of a bitchin
>off-road owning SUV, your lying to yourself.
>Now, there are exceptions to my views. I, along with
>you and others do see the excessiveness of this trend.
>This must stop. The Nissan Armada or the Infiniti QX56
>pretty much serve no purpose but to look gay and have
>virtually no offroad capabilities, even if you had a
>family of 6 you could still get a better SUV. Or when
>you see some dumbass mom driving around a bigass mofo
>car with her shitty kid in the front seat, she
>deserves to be shot. But do see that since America is
>rich, and it is a reality, that having an SUV is
>pretty much just a luxury which many of us enjoy,
>including myself. It's just like having a nice-ass
>house. You dont need it, but damn do you love it.
>I love small cars as much as the next guy and I love
>how they dont drive like a slug on wheels. I don't
>like driving my SUV every day (but do enjoy the
>offroad capabilities and beastliness of it), but it
>sure beats the hell out of any minivan or other
>alternative. If I was able to buy a Porche 911 Turbo,
>your damn right I would. So the only thing I ask is
>that next time you see a SUV or about to talk shit on
>one, think about it.
>Would you donate the money you saved buying your
>minivan to a charitable cause? (I thought not, and
>neither would I)

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