jona1207 (
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Date Posted: 10:57:46 02/15/23 Wed
Lose Money Fast with Google and MicroSoft Franchise Opportunists choose: toast your money, round your pie, or dog of a deal In this modern age, you are not limited to just one franchise opportunity. And you are not stuck filling your closets full of junk with SFI. You get to choose. And with that choice comes your chance to pick the guarantee you prefer! google | microsoft | The famous Google Three-Way Warranty: - No questions, please
- No money back
- No exceptions
| The Microsoft assurance: - if you receive any money back,
- you may mail it to Redmond,
- and it will be accepted
| No matter which one you choose, our franchise promoters are sure to come out ahead. There is really no excuse for not getting right on this. The sooner you start the process, the sooner we can profit by receiving your money. If you are not sure which is best for you, or you simply need to explore the options, we are here for you. These franchise opportunists are here today and will be glad to work with your money tomorrow. | | eric0105 | want money, famous, toast, factory, franchising, google | | jere0212 | round table pizza, franchise, pink pie, bakes, plug in, microsoft, fat brands, neat, the works, profit, fun | | mart1228 | consult, franchise, proudly pink, this, google | | pat0903 | franchise, sucks | | scot0809 | work, wall, spanking, franchise, cooks, microsoft, nothing, eat, franchise 1/3, franchise 2/3, franchise 3/3 | | stac0807 | franchise | | todd1219 | pink, look into, dog stop, future, franchise, microsoft, tickled, clean-out, hotfrog, dog service, get bit, pinkly, get bit, money, franchise | | virg0503 | franchise, pain |
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