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Subject: Knee Xray

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Date Posted: 15:01:14 01/28/06 Sat

check out the xray:


This is the result of my ski edge attacking my leg just below the kneecap. A 3 inch gash on my leg severing the patellar tendon, the thing that lets you kick out your leg. I had reconstructive surgery to reattatch the tendon to my tybia and the wire is to keep pressure off of the repair until it has healed. In 6 weeks I get more surgery to take out the wire and the screw. I think I am stuck with the bone anchor for life.

Post op rehab is:
2 weeks of misery: pain, crutches, moving only to go the doctor, bathroom, and sleep.

4 weeks of walking in a full leg immobilizer, passive range of motion excercise

Surgery to remove hardware

2+months of physical therapy to build strength, active weight bearing motion excercise.

One of the interesting things was because I was in Canada and their solcialist nationalized healthcare system, I had to pay for my emergency room and surgery bill directly, then get reimbursed by my insurance company. I was expecting the worst, but all in all, $2100 CDN or $1750 US out the door. My doctors tell me it would have been 4-6 times as much for the same thing here in the states. My canadian surgeon had traveled with the canadian olymic team in past years, so he even knew what he was doing. Score one for canada.

The moral of the story: Kevlar ski pants.

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Re: Knee Xraymagellan15:03:13 01/28/06 Sat

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