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Subject: Re: An epic adventure idea (inland, non-sea kayaking)

Red Squirrel
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Date Posted: 15:25:01 03/08/06 Wed
In reply to: Government 's message, "An epic adventure idea (inland, non-sea kayaking)" on 18:01:01 02/23/06 Thu

It sounds a bit long, and maybe not as scenic, although it is hard to beat the beauty of Northern Michigan. But I'm up for it

Red Squirrel

>I believe I have identified a ~100 mile (10 day-ish)
>route to travel by canoe or kayak from Traverse City
>to Cheyboygan (look at a map). The idea is to take
>Lake Michigan out of TC to the mouth of Elk Lake, down
>to Skegmog Lake and over the Chain O’ Lakes water
>trail (link #1) on up to St. Clair Lake. There, we
>have a 3 mile portage (vehicle assist?) to the south
>arm of Lake Charlevoix. We take Lake Charlevoix over
>to Horton Bay. There we have another 3 mile portage
>(vehicle assist?) over to Walloon Lake. From Walloon,
>we take Bear Creek down to Petoskey. At Petoskey we go
>2.5 miles down the coast of Lake Michigan to hook up
>w/ the 42 mile Inland Water Route to get to Cheboygan
>(link #2).
>We could do this all at once or in several blocks when
>we could take our time & add some climbing, mtn
>biking, etc. BTW, I’m not sure it’s actually possible,
>because as far as I can tell we’d be the first to do
>Game on, who wants to plan this w/ me?

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