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Subject: Re: 6 Months - No Messages?

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Date Posted: 00:03:14 05/20/08 Tue
In reply to: recondo 's message, "Re: 6 Months - No Messages?" on 11:14:15 03/20/08 Thu

I'm leading my first "FBET Worthy" (day) expedition this week. We're seeking the rumored existence of a cave (lava tube?) on the east coast. This would be a very significant find - virtually nobody has even heard of a cave here. There will almost certainly be petroglyphs and possibly other artifacts of the Carib indians. Recon & GPS of the site for a future sea/land/cave overnight expedition. Made me think of the old days.

So here I am, looking at your aspirations of a GL kayak trip. Grapenuts: Don't forget about Huron! Jeni & I did a fantastic 5-day (could have done a 15-day) North Channel / Bay of Islands trip. Drove home via Manitoulin/Bruce Peninsula. Google Earth it. Or MSN Explorer it. I kept a trip log and still have all my maps. I'll call pathfinder and get your #. Or vice versa. Totally remote, no rules, very few boats, orienteering is a blast, best campsites ever, and very, very few people kayak it.

The rest of us: If I had 3-4 days to kill, I'd pick a river, start ~10 miles inland, paddle to the ocean, then along the coast for ~10 miles. Then machete a path inland to something like the North Country Trail and walk back to the car (~15 miles or so). Hell, you could probably do the Grand.

OR, I always wanted to put together a coast-to-coast trip. Start watching sunrise on the L Huron coast, hike uphill to the Huron/Michigan watershed divide, then paddle down to L. Michigan and watch a sunset.

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Re: 6 Months - No Messages?pathfinder22:36:32 05/22/08 Thu

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