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Subject: I Remember Sarah - Prologue

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 21, 11:30:05pm
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "I Remember Sarah" on Thursday, July 21, 11:18:00pm

Nikita Wirth Jones sat by the stainless steel and glass conference table at a place called Section One, the most covert antiterrorist group on the Planet. Her 16-year-old lithe body resting resignedly on the cushy armchair that she swung left and right while feeling that she was free falling into her next mission. Exploit was probably a better word to describe the adventures that usually befell the lovely teenager when assigned to one of the Sections her father commanded with an iron fist. She was detached from her body as she heard Paul Wolfe, the notorious Operations drone on about Mission Parameters without once offering an explanation as to the reasons to send her ‘out there’, wherever that was, proverbially unprepared.

Oversight, the military organization that Nikita’s father started so long before was clandestine and its members mere ghosts, including the fair Nikita. Her birth mother Roberta had been in her life only for a brief time after delivering the baby girl and Nikita was not sure where the woman was at present. Her father Nicolas Jones was the sole custodial parent of the pretty girl and was also the author of any and all Sections. The man was ruthless, at times removed, but always intent on doing the right thing by the World, even if it meant putting his only child at risk. There were rumors of a sister, who she had never known or heard her father mention, and of course there was the other member of her family, her stepmother Adrian, who Nikita admired and respected.

Adrian and Nick Jones had been married forever; in fact Adrian explained to Nikita that since she could not have a child of her own because the couple waited so long to do so, Roberta was chosen to be the surrogate mother to the Jones’ child. Adrian could be very nurturing of the young woman and in fact her affectionate nature was in stark contrast to the merciless persona she displayed as the ‘Mother of Section.’ Quite an interesting family tree Nikita branched out from, and even though some of the mission assignments the child was assigned to could be described as barbarous for she was just a child, Nikita understood that the Jones’ ends were always just.

Nikita was snapped out of her reverie by Operations’ side kick Madeline, when the beautiful brunette with a penchant for control, mentioned the phrase, ‘Deep Blood Cover.’ The teenager was astute and knew that everyone was testing her and as only a ‘Jones’ would, she would surely show how the long-term task should be accomplished. When she said goodbye to her mother and father, Adrian genteelly reminded the teenager, who now wore dirty hair and torn clothes, that this mission would put her out of harms way and do a lot of people a lot of good. Nikita was sure that somehow this whole Deep Blood Cover Mission assignment was because of a certain new recruit that had become the Jones’ heir apparent and golden boy due to his ‘full package’ as her Uncle Walter crudely put it to the teenager.

Nick’s brother George Jones, who Nikita suspected, was eternally madly in love with her stepmother Adrian, commanded Operations to allow him to speak to Nikita in private. Paul Wolfe acquiesced almost dragging Madeline kicking and screaming out of the area to afford the head of Center his isolation. The pudgy man, mole and all, always had a soft side for Nikita and on this occasion perhaps because of his feelings for Adrian, he allowed his emotions to show. His deep voice resonated softly as he addressed the beautiful blonde.

“Nikki,” he called her this on the rare occasion that his caring side emerged, “I want to apologize on behalf of all of us, especially your mother for sending you on this mission.”

Nikita’s eyes were welling with tears and she answered, “I understand George.”

“We have all sacrificed so much for the good of the many and now sacrifice your youth. I am sorry that it is your turn to atone because I would have preferred that you face a more perfect World.”

Nikita went to interrupt but his soft hand on hers made her hesitate and she merely smiled in response, “I gave up my one true love, someday I will tell you that story…”

This remark came from left field after a long dissertation on the perils that the Planet faced and of course about the Jones legacy. It was here that Nikita chose to interrupt, “Is that your biggest regret?”

George smiled as he stood up and escorted the teenager to Egress, “No regrets… just my biggest loss.”

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Subject Author Date
I Remember Sarah - Chapter 1LoveroyFriday, July 22, 12:03:10am
    Facinating new story. (NT)MichelleBFriday, July 22, 08:02:52am
    Hmmnn, she's been living in the attic? Hurry back with more of this, please? (NT)signme1Friday, July 22, 09:55:57am
    OMG!!! A new Loveroy story....happy feet!!!MaryFriday, July 22, 10:55:53am

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