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Subject: I Remember Sarah - Chapter 2

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Date Posted: Monday, July 25, 02:35:17am
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "I Remember Sarah" on Thursday, July 21, 11:18:00pm

Sarah Dion, the brunette counterpart to the blonde attic dweller also lived in the house owned by her adoptive mother and father. The Dion’s usually left their daughter behind while they went globetrotting ignoring the needs of the sequestered child. Sarah had been lonely before Nikita came to live with her, even while accompanied by servants, sitters and so-called friends. Eventually, a couple of years after Nikita moved into the attic, the Dion’s died in a freak traffic accident coincidentally after Nikita was discovered by Madame Dion living in the house.

Life for the teenagers changed in what seemed like an instant and death started its long march through the corridors of the Dion family collecting its easy marks. The stepparent’s death left a series of unanswered questions for Sarah about her past; as did her brother Rene’s demise. The Dion’s only son Rene was assassinated by terrorists as he supposedly partied with his girlfriend and other friends in his unpretentious apartment in some European City. The death of Rene was a hard blow to the innocent Sarah who looked up and admired her frail looking brother even though she knew he was not her real sibling.

Now it was Sarah’s turn to fall victim to the incomprehensible cruel betrayal that life can bring and thus the end of the Dion family line. However, Sarah knew that all the wealth and all the power were hers and not the Dions. It had been her biological parents that had amassed the fortune and left it to the girl, in Rene’s charge.

After Sarah’s death Nikita became the sole heir to the family fortune thanks to Sarah’s wishes and Nikita laughed a sardonic laugh seeing the humor in her being rich by default. If nothing else the entire scenario was ironic because Nikita’s Deep Blood Cover mission would have ended with Sarah’s death. If not for the monkey wrench the women threw into the system by making Nikita the Executor of the Dion Estate, Jones' only child would have been returned to S1.

But this was not the real reason that Section One was wringing its hands having to explain themselves to the powerful Center and Oversight. Madeline and Paul were faced with the consequences of their predilection for Deep Blood Covers, which usually went South. The couple now sat before the Conclave explaining their actions and doing a song and dance routine to distract the attention from the Dions.

Nikita was always a thorn in the side of Operations and Madeline and thus Section One. After all this was Jones’ daughter who they thought was gunning for their positions and as usual Paul underestimated the blonde girl. As long as they kept the beautiful woman away from their star Level 5, they didn't have much to worry about.


Nikita and Sarah always wore iron masks around each other, never even guessing the truths each hid from the other. A loose photograph fluttered to the floor and Nikita picked it up, looking at it made her heart constrict and her eyes fill with tears that fell copiously down her face. She wailed, crying uncontrollably at the pain of her loss and she held her surrogate pregnant stomach with the tenderness that a real mother feels.


‘Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia’, Nikita recalled Sarah repeating as her Oncologist diagnosed her terminal disease and she held unto her husband Chuck’s hand. The man Sarah loved unconditionally sat immobile, his face a poem as tears rolled down its surface. Ironically or by Section decree, Chuck died before Sarah in an ‘accident’ that Nikita suspected could have also been prevented. It was then that Nikita realized that she could not escape the grip of the Organization, as Sarah buried yet another piece to the puzzle that was her life.

Having died too young, Sarah’s loss left in its wake a disconsolate Nikita whom always saw the brunette as much more than a friend or even a sister; these two women were parts of a whole. Sarah and Chuck, before the cancer diagnosis, were trying to conceive and now more than ever wanted a child desperately before Sarah’s illness took her away. Enter Nikita who volunteered to be artificially inseminated with the couple’s child insuring that her best friend’s legacy would live on.

After resigning herself to the cancer diagnosis Sarah acquiesced and Nikita didn’t need convincing, immediately secretly becoming the vessel for her dear friends. The procedure was flawless and it took the first time out, allowing Sarah and Chuck enough time to wallow in the joy of seeing Nikita suffer with morning sickness and the rest of the first trimester symptoms. Living vicariously through Nikita proofed to be the couples last loving act.

Sarah deserved a peaceful slumber and her BFF Nikita would insure she got at least that much. Nikita and Sarah were more than friends, they had been sisters, confidants and at times each other’s mother. When Sarah needed direction in the art of being a young woman, it had been Nikita, her allegiant guide, who had taken her through puberty and beyond.

So it was appropriate for Nikita to bare Sarah’s child. Sarah told Nikita in her deathbed that no one would be a better substitute mother for her child than she would and now Nikita’s only raison d’être was that child. At that point the blonde woman realized she could not continue mourning, for Sarah would not have wanted her child to feel sorrow. Life did march on!


The story of the women’s meeting like everything Nikita and Sarah, was chuck full of coincidences. Nikita remembered that although the women shared most every detail of their lives, Sarah’s secrets were never exposed. And whenever Nikita broached the subject of their respective families, Sarah would brush her off.

Her familial history was a taboo subject with Sarah not being capable of talking openly about them. Perhaps because the Dion’s had been a problematic poor excuse for an adoptive family to Sarah the girl was reluctant to share her past. Of course Nikita was living a lie herself and there was no use in asking the Section or Center/Oversight for that matter for Intel, since she knew the request would be denied.


The young women met by chance (arranged by Section of course) when a 16-year-old Sarah visiting Australia to rendezvous with her then 20-year-old brother Rene ran into unanticipated trouble. A homeless Nikita helped Sarah during the not so memorable occasion and the bond was formed. The friends held unto each other from day one, making sure that each was taken care off.

The brunette, against her concerned brother’s instructions, left her hotel room and wondered on her own to a section of town she heard about from a friend of a friend. The inexperienced girl tired of being taken for granted and ignored by all, wanted to rebel against her parents and against her brother who cut their well-planned appointment short.

At least Sarah had a stepbrother who religiously met the teenage girl one weekend a month in some fun locale. These rendezvous enabled the siblings to commiserate about their parents’ lack of parenting skills and were an emotional reprieve to Rene who worried constantly about his sister.

Rene always warned Sarah about her rebellious behavior, knowing that their parents’ lack of concern and guidance for the teenager would lead to big trouble at some point in her life. But the visits were getting sparser, the parents were caring for the teenager less and less and the girl was becoming angrier. Unbeknown to the teenager Rene was busy with terrorist activities and their parents really didn't give a damn.

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Subject Author Date
What a tangled web we weave....(r)MaryMonday, July 25, 10:31:33am
Well, you're certainly off to a good start on this, andsignme1Monday, July 25, 11:08:15am
Another twisting ....DarleneTuesday, July 26, 07:11:22pm

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