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Subject: I Remember Sarah - Chapter 3

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 10:05:50pm
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "I Remember Sarah" on Thursday, July 21, 11:18:00pm

The girls’ story went like this. Sarah was walking past a bar in a seedy side of town when an inebriated man who chased her to an alley behind the establishment, accosted her. She was terrified and sorry she revolted against her brother, when Nikita a striking blonde who lived on the streets came to Sarah’s rescue. Helping Sarah get away from the foul man who was manhandling her at the girl’s loud protestations, Nikita made a friend for life.

Sarah surmised that the element of surprise accompanied by the experience that comes from living on the streets gave Nikita an advantage that aided her in knocking the guy out. Of course Sarah could not have imagined that the blonde girl was a highly trained Section Operative or that the offensive man was Nikita’s colleague put there by the organization to insure that the Mission went as planned. Once the man was unconscious and Sarah was able to snap out of her stupor, Nikita told her to run and the brunette begged the blonde to escort her. The two strangers ran all the way to the hotel where Sarah sneaked Nikita into her room, just as her concerned brother Rene finally reached his sister.

While Sarah listened on the phone to her brother’s tirade and reprimands she watched Nikita walk around the bedroom warming her tattered body by the heater and shyly asking permission to use the restroom. Sarah hung up the phone and grateful for Nikita’s assistance suggested the blonde bathe and change into a pair of Sarah’s blue jeans and sweater, and then join her for a room-service meal. Sarah’s observant demeanor quietly studied the new friend’s mannerism and instantly decided this girl could be trusted. Poor innocent Sarah.

While sitting on one of the queen sized beds in the hotel room Sarah asked Nikita, “You are going to have to tell me your story… how old are you, do you live on the streets?”

Nikita laughed as she took a sip of hot white tea, which she had drenched in cream and sugar and then dunked a brioche soaked in butter into it, answering with her mouth full, “Never mind me, what on earth where you doing in that side of town?”

Sarah sighed and answered her new friend’s question, “Rebelling against my family that’s what. By the way my name is Sarah Dion, what’s your name?”

Nikita dried her hands on the napkin Sarah handed her and then shook the other teenager’s hand while answering, “Okay, okay, my name is Nikita Wirth, am 16 and I live on the streets. My mother preferred her new boyfriends to me, so before she kicked me out, I split for good.” Sardonic laugh at the end of the introduction and the girls hugged while an instant relationship was established between them. The blonde felt treacherous and sullied because of her duplicitous behavior that insured the woman now owed her.

Sarah continued asking while taking a sip of ice tea, “And school and your security? Oh my god Nikita what do you do at night, aren’t you scared?”

Nikita sat back on her chair waiting for Sarah to uncover the other room-service fares she ordered while the blonde was in the bathroom. She willingly dug into the food when Sarah graciously invited her to partake on the excess of goodies before them. It was obvious to Sarah that the girl was as hungry for food as she had been in need of the bath and clean clothes she gratefully took. Sarah could see that Nikita was sharp, obviously intelligent, beautiful and in need of care, just like Sarah and although the latter needed companionship and love, she obviously did not need the material things Nikita lacked.

Nikita answered her hostess’ question as she chewed, “Of course I am terrified every night, but I survive, go to the shelters. As a matter of fact I was on my way to a shelter when I heard you scream.” If there were an award for lies and tugging-on-heartstrings, Nikita Wirth Jones would have won it.

Sarah rushed out her explanation, which proofed to be the simple difference between adults and teenagers – total trust. “Nikita, my brother Rene who I was supposed to spend time with, left early because of some old college friend he ran into, I was angry simple as that… “

“And foolish.” The blonde interjected, “Be grateful you obviously have a home.”

“You are right, I understand I could not survive on the streets like you do.” Sarah said and Nikita silently nodded in response. Nikita was trying hard to digest the reason that she had been sent on this mission. What was it about this lonely girl that attracted Section One.

Sarah wanted to pay Nikita back for her kindness and also didn’t want to loose the blonde girl, a soul sister, now that she found her. As Sarah saw it, the women needed each other in order to survive and Sarah had little cash to compensate Nikita for her selfless act in the alley. However, Sarah did have other riches that were probably more useful to the needs facing both girls – a great big heart and a wallet full of credit cards.

The brunette blurted out rapidly and spontaneously to a surprised Nikita, “I would like you to come live in my home. You would never be afraid or hungry again and I would never be alone which terrifies me also.”

“Where do you live?” Nikita asked thoughtfully, considering the miracle presented to her for Nikita realized that the mission was successfully progressing and that her parents would be proud.

“In Paris,” Sarah answered watching Nikita’s mouth open in disbelief, “France.”

“Sarah I know where Paris is and it is very far from here.” Nikita continued.

“Who cares how far, what do you have to loose? My home is huge, you could go to school, eat 3 meals a day and never be cold again.”

“And your parents are they going to go for this?” Nikita asked as the brunette pensively shook her head negatively. “And, how are we going to get me there?”

The phone’s piercing ring startled the friends and Sarah said, “Just go along with me here. Don’t say a word, I bet my brother Rene can help us with the details of your move, but I don’t want to explain you to him just yet.”

Nikita nodded and continued eating as she frightfully waited for her new friend to finish with the call, Sarah’s brother was an anomaly that she was not sure Section considered. She was sure, though that if Sarah’s brother found out about her, he would probably have her kicked out of the hotel before Nikita finished eating and that would be the end of the mission. Nikita remained immobile, all she could do was listen to one side of the conversation, and eat.

Nikita figured that since Sarah was silent the majority of the time, it was Rene doing most of the talking. Every once in a while Sarah would say something in French and give Nikita reassuring looks, finally hanging up and advising the blonde that they were safe. Rene was busy with his long lost college friend and would be back the next day, but for now Sarah wanted to discuss her plans with Nikita. The new friends hardly slept, their conversation way into the late hours of the night as they each divulged only what they wanted the other to know. On that night the strangers became sisters.


The next day, in the early afternoon a couple of hours before Sarah would leave for Paris, Rene showed up in the hotel room and Nikita hid under the bed. The young man, his eyes covered with sunglasses kissed his sister and patted her on the head. Rene was preoccupied with his own reality, his meeting with his old friend troubled him and he shared that bit of information with his sister.

Sarah listened to the man tell her about his friend from University days, who Rene was sure was in some sort of trouble that only Rene could help him with. Nikita’s ears perked up when she heard the man tell Sarah that he had thought his friend dead. Could this whole story possibly be the reason Section had sent her? The more Nikita listened, the more she believed that Rene was probably the one Section was interested in and that Sarah was just a conduit to him.

Sarah shook her head and selfishly interrupted her brother’s concerns, “Rene, this is going to anger you, so let me finish before you yell at me.” Rene nodded his head in agreement as she continued, “A friend told me that I had to visit this bar when I came here.”

“I see,” Rene remarked as Sarah handed him a fake I.D and he placed the plastic driver’s license in his breast pocket after looking at it.

“I decided not to go into the bar, but a man outside accosted me. This girl, Nikita is her name, was walking by and saved me. She is homeless and I want to help her, take her back home with me.” Sarah confessed.

Rene was angry, but controlled his emotions, asking instead, “She is not a dog who followed you home Sara. What about her guardians?”

“She has no family,” Sarah lied, “She has no one. She needs to go with me.”

Amused at his stepsister’s impetuous behavior, Rene asked in a caring voice, “This Nikita who is she, where is she, how do you know this wasn’t all a ruse concocted by the man and this Nikita?”

“I know Rene, I just know, you are going to have to trust me on this one.” She answered shyly.

Rene then said to Sarah, “Okay, I will take care of this Nikita if you let me know where she is.”

Sarah replied, almost screaming, “No Rene. She needs to leave with me, our parents will never agree to any of this later on, please Rene.”

“Sarah hush, no histrionics please. I need to check this girl out… you are not a child, what do you know about this girl, where is she?” Rene asked again.

“Please Rene, I need to do this.” Sarah implored.

“Sarah let me think, I need to figure this out.” He said and the girl nodded acquiescing.

At this point Rene’s phone rang and he spoke to someone about a detonator and mentioned his friend Michel who had decided to join his group. Rene’s reprimanding glance made Sarah step out of the room, while Nikita from her vantagepoint caught the whole exchange and then took mental notes of the names and the places the man was discussing. It was obvious to Nikita that Rene was up to no good.

When it was time for Rene to depart, he handed Sarah one thousand US dollars asking her to give it all to Nikita and to gather as much information as she could on the woman. He promised he would resolve the problem and have Nikita join Sarah soon. Sarah knew that the gesture was just a way to appease her, for as far as Rene was concerned, the debt she owed Nikita would be paid with the American currency.

After the proper farewells between brother and sister, Rene left and Nikita came out from under the bed to join Sarah. The girls then rode to the airport in a taxi and when the two reached the private airfield Sarah pulled Nikita into a hug, and pulled her into the plane. Sarah’s muscle flexing, after all the Dion money was hers, convinced Madame Dion to allow ‘Sarah’s little friend’ to live in the attic, after all she was never home anyway. The blonde girl moved in and Sarah and Nikita were never alone again.

On that fateful day when Madame Dion saw Nikita for the first time, the blonde saw an expression on her face that scared Nikita. The blonde girl communicated with Section One and not long after that, the woman was dead along with her abusive husband. Sarah was distraught for her stepparents, although hardly good considered nurturing, were the only parents that the brunette ever knew. Her brother Rene didn’t come to the services and as was the Dion’s will, their bodies were cremated and the ashes strewn over the river that flanked the house.

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Subject Author Date
Hmmmnn, you certainly got a lot of info in thatsignme1Thursday, July 28, 09:26:59am
Hmmmnn, you certainly got a lot of info in thatsignme1Thursday, July 28, 09:28:16am
OK, still following and looking forward to more!!MaryThursday, July 28, 02:07:21pm

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