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Subject: I Remember Sarah - Chapter 7

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Date Posted: Saturday, August 13, 04:40:58pm
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "I Remember Sarah" on Thursday, July 21, 11:18:00pm

The baby was a belle little girl with an innate beauty that was obviously a Samuelle family trait and who Nikita named Sarah Charlotte. As with all premature births, the baby was tiny, weighing in at a mere 3 ¾ lbs. and 19 inches in length. She had fine blonde fuzzy hair that covered her perfect little head; the mother knew she would soon loose the fuss, but she was prepared to place pretty barrettes in her hair when the time came.

The baby’s eyes were silver, like her Uncle Michael’s eyes when he was being passionate about something – anything; in time that too would change, probably turning into the emerald orbs that all Samuelles possessed. Her lips were bubble-gum pink, the tiny little fingers and toes remarkable and her little face made her look like an angel. Although her skin tone was a little jaundiced at the time of her birth, Dr. Walter assured the proud mom that the baby would be fine, if she was placed under the light and tested as he ordered.

Walter decided to come alone to Nikita’s home, except for Belinda his paramour who had been an RN before coming to Section. He watched Michael with his blessed patience coach Nikita through her contractions and when it was obvious that the baby insisted in coming out, Walter paced Nikita through the rough parts of the labor. Walter and Belinda thought it would be better for the baby to go to Medlab, but being that the admission of her birth would put her in harms way, they brought Medlab to the baby.

The baby was colicky, a fine rash covered her body and she was having trouble keeping even Nikita’s breast milk down. Nikita was not making much milk, although she drank plenty of fluids including milk, so the baby was getting old fashion sugar water to augment the milk. The baby’s breathing was tready and she whizzed a bit when she coughed. Walter explained that the cause of these symptoms was the baby’s low weight and her premature birth, even though Nikita was 32 weeks into her pregnancy when the baby was born.

Michael and Walter agreed to place the incubator where Nikita had spent her adolescent years – the attic, the best place to hide a new infant or anyone for that matter. Belinda worked diligently to give the baby the most comfortable and healthy environment possible, setting up all the necessary medical devices the baby would need in her new attic room. Of course Belinda and Walter planned to take turns helping with the monitoring of the baby, Nikita and even Michael. After all, TPTB understood that Michael’s injuries would take time to heal and Nikita could pretend she was still pregnant until it was time to return to S1.

Nikita spoke daily to her family reporting on Michael’s progress and her stories were in direct agreement with Walter’s reports. Michael reported daily to Section One telling Paul or Madeline about Nikita’s pregnancy and the progression of his own deep blood cover. The four adults continuously perfecting the perfidious cover-up prayed that they would never be found out and be returned to the Organization before they were ready to face that problem.

“Nikita, Nikita,” silence and no movement from the sleeping blonde, “Yoo-hoo Nik.” Nikita vaulted up in bed.

It was her dead friend Sarah coming to pay a visit and Nikita said, “Jesus Sarah, how many times are you going to scare the living shit from me with your apparitions?”

“Oh babe, you are in for a long ride, now listen, thank you for little Sarah, she is beautiful.” Sarah said touching Nikita’s hand.

Nikita’s back was still hurting her and she tried to move, but abandoned that thought. She watched Sarah stand over her daughter's incubator and stroke her head. Nikita said, “She is your baby, there is nothing to thank me for.”

Sarah then moved to Michael, who slept on a comfortable Lazy Boy, and commented, “My brother is beautiful also, but he carries so many secrets…”

Nikita then asked as she tried again to move out of bed, but could not, “What secrets?”

Sarah disappeared just like she had appeared, leaving Nikita with so many questions including asking her when she would be back. Michael awoke, looked at Nikita in her perplexed state and then moved to baby Sarah, checking the baby for a wet diaper. The baby looked peaceful, the rash magically gone and her breathing was not as shallow as it had been.

“She is resting comfortably, no wet diaper.” Michael said.

Nikita smiled, “Sarah was here.”

Michael thought he had not heard her correctly, “Pardon, who was here?”

Nikita watched Michael move slowly towards her bed with a glass of milk for the blonde, she said while she sat up, her backache gone, “I don’t want milk.”

Michael answered, “You have to drink more milk, the baby needs it.”

“Michael I told you already that I see Sarah.” Nikita said as she chugged the milk.

By then Michael had a tiny thin bottle of breast milk in his hand and he was putting on the gloves and placing his hands in the incubator to feed the infant. He was amazed at how the child improved in the couple of hours Michael had been asleep. He was even more astonished about the child’s hunger, since the baby drank the milk he was feeding her without gagging, for the first time since her birth the prior week. Michael didn’t make a comment about the baby’s reaction or about Nikita’s remark, he was quiet while he cleaned up after feeding the baby.

Nikita continued, “I know it is hard to believe what I am trying to tell you, I too thought I was going crazy the first time I saw Sarah, but I have continued seeing her. She was here tonight, she touched the baby.”

“Nikita…” He was facing the woman when she interrupted him again.

“Don’t say a word Michael, I know you don’t believe me, hell I don’t believe it myself.” The baby started fussing and Michael and Nikita thinking the baby was going to spit up the milk hurried to the crib. The baby was moving and the fussing was just normal baby stuff.

“Nikita,” Michael started to say again.

“Drop it Michael, you are probably right, I am nuts.” Nikita told Michael.

What was funny about the exchange was that Michael had never said anything about Nikita’s confession, one way or another, so he finally added. “I was going to tell you that your gown is getting wet, maybe you want the breast pump?

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Subject Author Date
Wow!!! What a LONG... (r)SisSaturday, August 13, 07:57:54pm
how sweetelderSunday, August 14, 08:49:28am
Oh, how sweet..(r)MarySunday, August 14, 12:55:01pm
Maybe......DarleneSunday, August 14, 04:50:22pm
That was soooo cute. (NT)MichelleBMonday, August 15, 07:53:50am

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