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Subject: A sad day.......................

Jennifer S
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Date Posted: Thursday, August 13, 07:51:27pm

It is with unimaginable sorrow that we deliver the sad news of the passing of an LFN fandom icon. LoveRoy (Maria to her friends) passed away this past Tuesday, August 11, 2009. Her passing was sudden, and completely unexpected.

Maria was a staple in the early years of the LFN fandom. She posted, chatted and then began her true passion, writing. Maria has written dozens of Michael and Nikita stories that she thoroughly enjoyed sharing with everyone.

Love or hate her stories, for the better part of 5 years, she churned out her musings unabashedly. She stood by everything she wrote, and pushed some barriers that other writers would normally shy away from. She had a certain joie de vivre
and she wore it extremely well.

Maria was also very involved with Foundation Mira in its� final years of charity events. Her tireless devotion and assistance to our dear friend Joyce helped make those last few events fun and memorable for all. Maria was determined to make the final Mira event a success, and she orchestrated and paid for that lovely dinner cruise we all thoroughly enjoyed on our last outing.

Maria had a wonderful sense of humor. Always quick with a comeback, and always with something guaranteed to make you smile. Maria was the ultimate friend. � No� was not a word in her vocabulary. Maria was a �go to� kind of person, and we as her friends can say that from personal experience. If a friend was in need, Maria was a friend indeed. Her kindness and generosity knew no bounds. Maria gave her heart and soul to anyone who needed it, and never expecting anything in return.

Now, the rough stuff. Maria, our hearts ache at the thought of you not being with us anymore. Never in our wildest imaginations, did we ever think that you would be taken so suddenly from us. Your absence will be felt for all the rest of our days. We love you, and can�t thank you enough for the loving light you shined upon us as your friends, and your sisters. We�ll miss your smile, your laugh, and your humor. We�ll miss your strength and your amazing sense of compassion. We�ll miss your stories about the girls, your family, and the crazy drivers in South Florida. We�ll miss the late night chats, emails and phone calls. We�ll miss all the anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions we all shared so freely with one another. We�ll miss our Michael and Nikita rode off into the sunset chats. But most of all, we�ll miss you chica. We are all better people for having known and loved you.

Maria has a very large family, whom we send our sympathies and love to at this very sad time.

Jenn S/ Ferr89, , Nikspy, jacquesspygirl KG,

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