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Subject: Chapter 2 An English Love

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Date Posted: Tuesday, April 04, 07:45:25pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Seven years later

Young Nikita was a nice child, but she had a devilish side to her. Her curiosity often got her into trouble. She liked to play with the children of the farmers and servants in her estate and would often come back with a dirty dress. She liked also to play with her dog, Talyn.

Her parents started to allow her to wear play clothes so that she could enjoy her childhood without the fear of ruining an expensive dress. She was a bit of a tomboy and her parents let her have fun. They wished her to enjoy her childhood before enduring the hardships of becoming a young lady of the English court.

On the other hand, she did have daily lessons in world languages, art, music and reading. They wanted her to grow up to be an exceptional young woman with class and poise. She did not have an interest in any of these boring things. She wanted to ride horses and climb trees. None of these studies were exciting or rigorous enough for her tastes.

Her best friend was a young boy named Gray. He was her closest companion and they played together every single day. They loved to swim in the creek together, chase the sheep in the fields, climb trees and fall asleep in the hills in midafternoon. They even played along that they never wanted to be parted and would always be best friends forever. Madeline let this go because Nikita was so young and needed to have friends in her life.

Nikita loved her mother and loved when Madeline told her stories such as Cinderella and Thumbelina. Her mother adored her and Nikita felt she could tell her mother anything. Her father on the other hand was very loving, but he always seemed to have a lot on his mind. Nikita had learned not to bother him when he looked like he was in a thinking mode. She was not yet aware of the family she was born into and what would be expected of her. She just lived her happy childhood unaware of what her father was planning to secure her future.

Paul had come up with a solution to the dilemma that crept into his dreams every night. He did not know if it was the right choice, but it had to be done.

“Madeline?” He said. She looked up at him with those beautiful brown eyes. He never got tired of looking at her.

“I have the answer to our dilemma. I know you may not like it, but it’s the only way to protect Nikita’s inheritance and to protect our people here at Rosemond Hall from Bauer.” He looked and sounded nervous while trying to make his point.

She stood up and walked over to him. “ Mr. Wolfe, please tell me. This is important for me also to make sure she is provided for. What is it?”

“Well,” Paul continued. “Our daughter is a child of tremendous title and wealth. If we align her with a reasonable suitor, we will use this estate as her dowry and it will pass onto her husband. Of course, we would have to find a suitor of significant wealth and title equal to Nikita’s or of higher rank.”

Madeline smiled and pondered the thought for a moment. “I think it is the best idea. Nikita will have no problem attracting suitors. We must find someone who has enough status and wealth to protect her interests and that of Sussex.”

They looked out at their playing child. “Yes Madeline, but who? There are so many out there, but the suitor must fit her social standing.”

Madeline was thinking and it did not take long. “ I have the perfect candidate Mr. Wolfe. The Samuelle Family of Bath. They are cousins to the royal family of England. They have two sons I believe. Their first born is Michael who is at least sixteen years old now. Then there is their son Seymour who is about eight years old. I am uncertain as to which of them may already be betrothed, but we should contact Lady Adrian to discuss the matter at once.”

Paul thought for a few moments. “Yes, my dear. They are a good family with wonderful connections and social standing. Write a letter to the Lady Adrian requesting an audience with her. This could work out beautifully.”

Paul and Madeline continued to converse. Madeline sent a letter to Lady Adrian and she responded rather rapidly. Madeline, Paul and Nikita were invited to visit their estate in Bath. Madeline readily accepted and began the preparations for their trip within the fortnight.

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Subject Author Date
hey Jacqueline this is a nice storyelderTuesday, April 04, 09:12:28pm
I like the way this is starting outDianeTuesday, April 04, 11:12:51pm

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