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Subject: Chapter 5

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Date Posted: Thursday, April 06, 12:43:16pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Paul said, �Alright. We are ready to sign a contract. At what age should they be married?�

Lady Adrian replied. � When your daughter has reached the age of seventeen. She will be married to my son.�

Madeline looked up in shock. �Seventeen? That is ten years. She will be so young.� She looked at Paul for help.

�Madeline,� He whispered. �I know this is your only child, but we were married at seventeen. Please, do not make this harder than it already is.�

Madeline put her head down and nodded back at Paul. Paul agreed �Lord George we agree to your terms.�

�Excellent. Well Done.� George was elated and Adrian smiled with satisfaction. �Now, may we meet your child.�

Nikita had been put into a baby blue dress and was led downstairs by a servant. She looked around this huge house. There were paintings everywhere. She stopped to look at one of a young boy in a military uniform on a white horse. He had green eyes and he looked smug. She did not like boys that looked like him. She had met rich boys and always found them to be quite dull.

The servant called her name. She stared at the picture once more and continued onward. She was led to a room with two great doors. They opened and inside she saw her parents and two other well-dressed people staring at her.

She remembered her mother�s words to act like a lady. She moved slowly towards the middle of the room and stood in front of her parents.

Madeline whispered to her. �Turn around and curtsy to the people.�

Nikita did as she was told. These two older people just gawked at her. �Come here my child.� Lady Adrian beckoned her. Nikita found this lady to be a bit stuffy.

Nikita slowly walked closer to her. Lady Adrian held her child up and looked into her pearly blue eyes. �Beautiful child Madeline.�

�Thank you Lady Adrian.� Madeline replied. She could sense that Nikita was scared.

�Turn around child.� Lady Adrian commanded. Nikita did as she was told. Adrian studied her for a few minutes and then said, �Well, she is a very pretty child. Michael will be very pleased. I would recommend to you Madeline that you protect her virtue for her beauty will attract many men.�

Paul answered quickly. �Lady Adrian, I assure you that will be looked after. Nikita�s virtue will be in tact at the time of marriage.�

�What�s a virtue?� Nikita asked. She was confused as this odd conversation and why they were speaking as if she were not there.

Paul silenced her quickly. �Nikita. You stay quiet unless you are spoken to!�

Nikita looked at her father. He never yelled at her. She did not understand what was happening.

�Child?� Lady Adrian said. Nikita looked back at her. �Your mother tells me you sing, play piano, learn languages. Which is your favorite?�

Nikita answered. �None of them. I think they are boring.�

Lady Adrian was shocked a bit. �Well�.what do you like to do?�

Madeline cringed on the inside. Nikita was a very outspoken child and her willful spirit often proved to be detrimental at times.

�Um�I like to play outside and climb trees.� Nikita answered with a smile.

�NIKITA!� Her father reprimanded her. Lady Adrian held her hand up to silence him.

�Calm down, Paul. My children are young too and it is quite okay. Michael was quite adventurous at her age, although he did things a bit more athletic.� Adrian commented. She turned back to the young child. �Nikita, you are very young girl who is going to grow up to be a respected lady. You are going to marry my son someday and live in big home just like this? What do you think?�

Nikita gave her a dirty look. �I am not marrying your son. I am marrying Grey.�

Lady opened her mouth in amazement.

Madeline put her head in her hands and Paul said calmly, �Lady Adrian, she is only seven years old and Grey is her best friend.� Adrian once again put her hand up.

�Nikita, you are excused my dear.� Lady Adrian commanded. Nikita left with the servant to go back upstairs to Paulette. She was confused by what occurred down there. Married What were those people talking about? Virtue? Marriage? She would ask her mother later.

�Paul, you have a very willful child. I will excuse her behavior because she is so young, but I would formally begin to train her to be a gentleman�s wife. I do not want my Michael to have to tame your child once she is older. I suggest you inform and teach her about the life she is going to lead.� Lady Adrian explained.

They finished their conversations over tea and spent the rest of the day arranging the marriage contract.

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Oh, I dunnoDianeThursday, April 06, 04:02:47pm

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