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Subject: Chapter 6

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Date Posted: Thursday, April 06, 04:14:54pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Paul and Madeline spent a week with the family before they headed back to Rosemond Hall. Paul asked Nikita what she thought of the people she met.

“I did not like how they stared at me and asked me weird questions.” Nikita answered. Madeline looked at Paul to discontinue this conversation and he backed down. Paul loved his daughter very much, but she had to learn to conform to her life and place in society. He would pressure Madeline to see to this.

When they returned home, Nikita was being put to bed. She asked her mother. “Am I really going to marry their son Mama?” Madeline stared into her child’s concerned eyes. She could not bear to tell her the truth right now.

“Don’t worry about it my dear. Enjoy your childhood because it will go fast. Goodnight my sweet Nikita.” She kissed her good night and went to join her husband in their bedchamber.

Madeline was sighing as she read her book. She was concerned for Nikita’s life ahead. “Madeline, we did the right thing. Please do not fear our decision.” Paul looked at her lovingly. He could sense the conflict she was feeling.

She gazed at him. “Paul, I want her to have a good secure life. Her fortune would fall into the hands of Bauer and we cannot let him have that. He is an evil man. He wrote that hateful letter when she was born and swore he would never give up his claim to our lands after you pass. On the other hand, we tried so hard to have her and now we have chosen a loveless marriage for her.”

Paul pulled her chin to his face. “My Maddy, look at us. We fell in love. Nikita could learn to love him.”

Madeline shook her head. “Paul we are an exception. I have heard stories about Michael. He is merely sixteen and has so many accomplishments. He is already aware of his status in society. Women will fall at his feet. He will have so many of them, he will not want a wife. Nikita has such a strong spirit that I fear it will be her greatest asset yet her weakness as an adult. She has a great capacity to love and I just wish that she could experience love like I did.”

Paul hugged Madeline. “Come my dear. We all have dreams for our child. I too want Nikita to be happy, but we must remember our duty to our family name and to our people in our estate. This marriage will secure all of that and Nikita’s lifestyle. You never know, she could turn out to be very happy with Michael”

Madeline kissed him. “I do understand my dear. I am just being a mother that’s all. Just like I always wanted to be.” Madeline felt asleep in her husband’s arms.

Word of the alliance reached the ears of Lord Perry Bauer. He held a castle in Northern England at Thistle Gate Manor. He learned that his beloved cousin was to marry a Samuelle.

He was speaking to his advisor, James. “James, I see what Paul is trying to do and he will not get away with this. Those lands and his estate will become mine. He thinks that marrying his daughter will stop me. That’s what he thinks. Michael Samuelle is already being spoken of in the courts and he will not want to keep a simpering wife. There will present itself an opportunity and I will exploit it.”

James asked timidly. “Sir, may I ask how you intend to stop your cousin?”

He answered. “Oh there are many ways. Anything could happen before this marriage takes place. These people create business through marriages. Either he will not want her for a wife or she will lose her virtue before marriage. These things happen every day. I may not need to interfere before it.”

Perry Bauer moved to stare out the window. “Make your plans, my dear cousin Paul. Your daughter is not safe from me. I will get what I want no matter what the cost is. Come James, I will take one of the servant women to bed. Why do you not join me?”

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Looks like Bauer is up to no good again!!!! I'm suresignme1Thursday, April 06, 04:36:53pm

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