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Subject: Chapter 7

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Date Posted: Thursday, April 06, 08:26:21pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Nine years later

Nikita had a wonderful childhood. As she got older, she learned more about the ways of being a proper lady in the English court. She always tried to do as her mother asked because she did not ever want to upset her. But inside, Nikita had a yearning to be free to experience life at her own choosing.

She was almost seventeen and she loved to be outdoors. She loved to ride her horse, Daisy, through the hills and visit the people who lived on her estate. She only acted as a lady when she had to be. If her parents took her to balls or to parties, she would attempt to behave. She became known as the most beautiful girl in the entire county. She had golden long hair, piercing blue eyes and she was rather tall for a woman. She was extremely attractive with her husky voice and her strong nature. Her willful nature did not go unnoticed though. She hated the snobby attitudes and vanity of the upper class. It was hard for her to believe that her parents were in this class because they did not act half as bad as these stupid rich blokes.

Many young rich men would spout off their titles and riches to Nikita. She found it rather boring and nonsensical. She brushed them off with ease, but this only seemed to attract them even more. She knew of her status, but did not really care for it. She wanted people to like her for who she was on the inside as her mother loved her. She loved reading novels of people falling in love from different classes and overcoming obstacles of family. She felt they had the freedom to choose their lives. Her mother had told her countless fairy tales and stories of love and freedom of life. Her parents had given her plenty of freedom as a child which she truly appreciated.

Her best friend Gray became an English officer. She rarely saw him anymore, but she loved him just the same. Their time together began to lessen as she got older. She felt as if her mother tried to keep them away from each other. When they would see each other, they would lay on a hill and he would read her poetry or romantic stories. They never touched, only enjoyed each other’s company. She fell in love with him.

He had given her a slight kiss on the lips before he left for his new duties and it made her feel like she was melting inside. He told her he would come back for her and they would marry. They wrote secret love letters to each other whilst he was gone. She promised him to never forget their love for each other. This was her innocent view of love was, but she swore she loved only Gray.

She kept this little secret to herself. She missed Gray every day. She would marry him someday and they would be happy.

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Subject Author Date
Chapter 7 (con't)JacquelineThursday, April 06, 08:30:07pm
    Hmm. What will she do now?JennaFriday, April 07, 04:14:12am

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