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Subject: Chapter 10

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Date Posted: Monday, April 10, 04:51:47pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Madeline came up to her daughter’s room and sat down upon the bed next to her.

“Nikita, my dear child,” She spoke softly. “I know you must have many questions.”

Nikita looked up at her and nodded. “Mama, I love Gray. What am I to tell him? I wanted to marry him someday!”
Her mother smiled. “My dear. You are only seventeen. You have not yet experienced life or love. Trust me. You will get over him. Your love for him is that of a friend. Love of a man is something that just happens to you and fills you up so much...”

Nikita exclaimed. “But now I can never fall in love with anyone. I have to marry some pompous rich boy whom I never met. How old is he Mama?”

“I believe he is about twenty-six. He is a very handsome young man or so I hear.” Her mother tried to say anything to make it easy on Nikita.

“My goodness mother. He is ten years older than me almost. I hear he is the ladies man of England.. He probably has many lovers.” Nikita sighed in her grief.

Suddenly her mind thought of horrible things. “Mother, I have never been with a man. He will expect it on our wedding night. Oh my! What am I to do? How I am just to blindly have my virtue taken by some man I barely know or love? This is impossible!!”

Madeline held her hands. “Now Nikita, I know what is expected of wives, but I will give you some advice. Your virtue is yours and yours alone. If you are not ready on your wedding night, simply tell him. I know you too well to let anyone tell you what to do. I did it with your father. He respected me and waited until I was ready.”

Nikita was listening to her and replied, “You did? Mother, I am so scared. I do not know how to be a wife. What if he never wants me?”

Madeline thought for a moment. “Nikita I am going to give you some straight advice. Listen to me now.” Nikita paid close attention. “He will want to sire a child out of this union.” Nikita almost yelled but Madeline stopped her. “You must not touch any other man until this child is born. It must be his blood. After this, if he does not love you, take a lover. Many people in your situation take lovers.”

Nikita looked at her in shock. “Lovers? Child? Mother, how am I to marry a man I do not know and have a child with him when I do not love him? And lovers? This is mad! I do not wish to have a child with him. This just keeps getting worse.” She started to cry again.

Madeline slightly smacked her child’s face to get her attention. “Nikita! You can do this. I have seen you brave many perils that no child ever has and stand up to your own father. You can do this. I am not giving you a demand to take a lover. I am giving you methods of survival if you become unhappy. I never wanted you to be unhappy, my dear.” She rubbed Nikita’s face. “You must have a child with him to complete the marriage transaction. This child will inherit our estate and Michael’s as well. You need to have a child to protect Rosemund Hall. You do see the big picture?”

Nikita finally gave in. “I somewhat understand Mother. I would not want Bauer to gain control of Rosemund. I will do as you ask Mother.” She kissed her father and then placed her head in her lap.

It continued to amaze here how in a matter of hours, her life had drastically changed.

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Michael doesn't seem too excited, does he? I wondersignme1Monday, April 10, 11:17:25pm

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