Subject: Chapter 12 (Slight NC-17 Warning) |
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Date Posted: Tuesday, April 11, 10:14:19am
In reply to:
's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm
A few weeks had passed and the Wolfe’s prepared for their journey to Bath to prepare for the marriage that everyone in the country was speaking of.
Nikita dutifully obeyed every request of her parents. She did not wish to upset them although her whole life was about to change.
She had written a letter to Gray in order to say goodbye:
“My dearest Gray.
This will be my last letter to you. I am to be married to Lord Michael Samuelle in six months. My love, do not think that I have stopped loving you. I have not and never will. I must marry because it has been arranged and I must honor my family’s wishes.
It hurts to say goodbye to Gray. I always thought that we would be together forever. Do not do anything to stop this marriage, Gray. I have accepted it and so must you. Just know that I will always and forever be thinking of you.
Your Nikita
Nikita had a messenger take her letter to Gray wherever he was stationed. She had been spending a lot of time with her mother learning about what she would have to do as a gentleman’s wife. She discovered that she would be living with her husband in the next county over from her parents. This gave her some relief that her mother would not be far. This estate was one of many that Michael stood to inherit. It was called East Gate hall and was one of the biggest homes in Eastern England. She had heard rumors about its beauty and splendor. It was the jewel of the county according to some people. This all did not make her feel any better. She felt as if she had become a prisoner and the shackles on her arms continued to tighten and prevent her from living life according to her choosing.
Nikita sadly bid her good byes to all of the servants and her friends as she began to board the carriage bound for Bath. Or in her mind, her prison.
As the carriage pulled away, she looked one last time at the only home she had ever known. She loved Rosemund Hall and knew that she would not be back for some time. She had tears in her eyes as she watched her home disappear over the horizon.
They had a long journey ahead of them.
Lady Adrian had servants looking everywhere for Michael. She needed him to be here when the Wolfe’s arrived. “Where is he, George? I have told him the entire week that they would be arriving.”
George looked up from the papers on his desk. “Oh my lady, he is a busy man. He is probably off doing something productive or out in the countryside with Smith. I hope this young girl is prepared for what she is about to take on.”
Lady Adrian walked over to her husband. “I know Madeline very well. She will have her daughter fully prepared to be Michael’s wife. I have no fears whatsoever. It is the child they will have that will have more titles and wealth that all of us put together.”
George laughed at his wife. “That is all you worry about my dear. I am only concerned that Michael has a fortunate marriage and perhaps maybe even like his wife.”
Adrian winked at George. “My dear Mr. Samuelle, you do not have to like your wife to have a fortunate or successful marriage.” She was staring at him and he got the notion that she was indicating theirown marriage. “All I am concerned is that girl can reproduce. Michael is only worried for that as well. After that, she will stay in the background like every English lady does.”
George smiled back at her. “I know some English ladies who never stay in the background.” She knew he was referring to her and she just ignored him
“Reginald! Find Michael!” Adrian barked out her orders.
“Oh Michael!” Lisa screamed out. Michael collapsed on top of Lisa and then quickly pushed off of her. She leaned up onto his chest. “That was wonderful as always Michael.
He slightly smiled at her. Lisa really just talked way too much. “Glad you liked it my dear.” He was extremely tired and was aware that his mother would be looking for him.
He knew he would have to spend the next few weeks getting to know his betrothed. He did not even wish to waste his time, but he would do anything for his mother and the future of their family.
“Michael, when will I see you again?” Lisa asked. He knew she was pressing for information.
“I don’t know, Lisa. I have a lot to do in the next few weeks.” He replied.
She stood up and placed her arms over her body. “I see. You are going to be spending time with that new girl.” She almost cried and looked out the window.
Michael did not wish to see her hurt and walked over to her. “Lisa. You knew this day was coming.”
She did not answer him. Although he did not love her, he did care for her deeply. “Lisa, look at me.” She looked into his eyes and started to cry.
“Lisa I don’t love or even know this woman. It is a family obligation I must complete. I will be back here with you before you know it. She is going to be living at East Gate Hall and I will probably never see her.” Michael reassured her.
She smiled a bit. “I just do not want to lose you Michael. What if she makes you fall madly in love with her?”
Michael smiled slightly at her, “You will not lose me. And the likelihood of her doing that is not even possible”
He hugged her and hated that he had to hurt her. He kissed her goodbye and rode his horse towards home where he would be a prisoner to his parents for the next few weeks.
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