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Subject: Chapter 11 (new)

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Date Posted: Friday, February 18, 01:11:49pm
In reply to: Juli 's message, "Angelita - new chapters (finally)" on Friday, February 18, 01:02:53pm

Chapter 11

The next week became a blur for Nikita. The press became a constant menacing presence, and more than once she was accosted on the street. By the end of the week, she refused to leave her father’s residence.

“What do you think, Michael?” Nick asked one evening as they sat alone in his study.

“She’s not safe alone,” Michael stated the obvious.

“A bodyguard?” Wirth asked, musing to himself as he lit a cigar.

Michael tipped his head in a non-committal gesture.

“Hmmmm,” Nick pondered as he puffed on the cigar to get it lit.

“Will she feel safe with a gun toting gorilla?” Michael asked, uneasy about Nikita’s safety being left into the hands of others.

Nick sighed. “Probably not. But what options do we have?”

Michael shrugged. “It has to be someone.”

Nick blew a cloud of smoke toward the ceiling and stared at Michael with narrowing eyes.

Michael didn’t want to contemplate what the man was thinking. If he could correctly guess… Michael didn’t want to stay around New York indefinitely. Did he?

“What about you, Michael?” Nick asked, confirming Michael’s suspicions. “Do you have any training in some sort of defensive skills?”

Michael sighed and set down the brandy snifter he’d been swirling.

“Yes,” he answered.

“Yes? Yes what?” Nick pressed, leaning forward in his chair.

“I am trained in a number of martial arts,” Michael stated, not elaborating.

“Could you protect her?” Nick asked, cutting through the bull.

Michael’s thoughts were swirling. He knew what answering yes would mean. It was a life he’d given up; a life he’d been running from for years. However, as much as he hated the life he’d left behind, the thought of leaving Nikita now left a hefty sized gap in his soul. He hated to admit it, but he knew he was in love with her.

His emotions warred for a few more moments as he pondered the possibilities. Finally, he looked directly at Nick, his decision made.


“Fantastic! Tomorrow, you can come to my office and fill out paperwork. I’m going to put you on the Wirth Enterprises payroll if you don’t mind. I’ll pay you a living allowance if you don’t want to stay here, but you are welcome to keep the room you have if you don’t want the hassle,” Nick said.

Michael tuned him out as he droned on about the details, instead focusing his thoughts on Nikita. Although he had admitted to himself that he loved her, he could not let anyone else know, especially Nikita.


That night at dinner, Michael ate in silence as Nikita chatted with her father.

“I wish you would reconsider going to the Charity Gala with me next week, Nikita,” Nick said, slicing a piece off his filet mignon.

Nikita looked up but said nothing.

“You will be safe, I promise. Michael will be with you,” he replied.

Nikita’s eyes went to Michael’s. She had been afraid that his silence meant that he would be leaving soon.

Nick saw his daughter’s surprise. “Didn’t he tell you?” he asked.

“Tell me what?” she questioned.

Michael spoke softly, not wanting Nick to give her the news. “Your father has asked me to become a bodyguard for you, a protector,” he told her.

Nikita’s face lit into a smile, but then faltered a little. “For how long?” she asked, suspicious.

“For however long we need him,” Nick answered, glad to see some happiness developing.

“Really?!” she said, the smile returning.

Michael nodded, not trusting himself to look into her eyes.

“Wonderful! Then you’ll go to the Gala with me?” Nick asked her again.

“Of course, father. May I shop for a new gown to wear?” she asked.

Nick roared with laughter. “Michael, I thought you found this one in the jungle? Hasn’t taken her long to discover shopping,” he said taking a gulp of the expensive wine.

Michael smiled at Nick’s joke, but his heart still warred with his head. He was troubled about his feelings for Nikita. Would he be able to properly protect her given the way he felt? He didn’t know.

“Oh, Nikita. I have another surprise for you,” Nick said, picking up a roll and slathering it with butter. When his daughter looked up with curiosity, he continued. “Your Uncle Walter is coming from Australia and will be here on Saturday.”

“My Uncle Walter?!” Nikita gasped. “Really? My mother told me so much about him. I can’t wait to meet him,” she said happily.

“He can’t wait to meet you,” Nick replied.

The conversation was interrupted when a servant arrived with a message for Nikita.

“What is it?” Nick asked, wiping his mouth on a napkin.

Nikita read the paper and looked up. “It is from Miranda,” she said, mentioning the Wirth Enterprises press secretary, “She says that she has been in… in-un…” Nikita finally gave up on trying to sound out the word and showed the letter to Michael.

“Inundated,” he said, helping her with the word. “It means she has gotten a great deal of requests.”

“Oh. Inundated with requests for me to appear on television and radio programs,” Nikita said with mild surprise.

Nick took the letter from her hand and read some of the names: Oprah, Today Show, The View and a laundry list of other ‘who’s who’ of media moguls.

Stunned, he put the letter down and rubbed a hand across his face. “I had no idea,” he mumbled.

“Mr. Wirth, the nation is one of sensationalism and sentimentality,” Michael noted. “Of course they would scramble to have Nikita on their programs – her story is one of love, survival, courage, a reunion with a long lost father… The public will devour it.”

“You’re right Michael. Nikita, you can choose to do these programs if you like. I must warn you that they will make you an instant celebrity all over the U.S.,” Nick told her.

Nikita looked at the letter again, and contemplated, resting her chin in her hands.

Nick tossed his napkin down beside his plate and pushed back from the table. “Well take your time, darlin. You don’t have to answer them right away. If you decide that you want to do any or all of them, just get in touch with Miranda and she will handle all of the details. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a conference call with Singapore in twenty minutes that I must prepare for.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you would be staying, Michael?” Nikita asked when her father had left the room.

“I thought he had already told you,” he lied.

“I’m very glad you decided to stay,” she said, standing up from her chair. “I feel much safer when you are around.”

Michael stood as well, and opened the dining room door for her. “I will always be there, Nikita,” he told her quietly as she walked through the doorway.

He was gifted with Nikita’s dazzling smile.

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Subject Author Date
Glad you're back.DianeFriday, February 18, 02:40:42pm
So glad you're back with this. (NT)signme1Friday, February 18, 10:59:06pm

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