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Subject: Chapter 19b (a little more)

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Date Posted: Friday, July 15, 04:15:27pm
In reply to: Juli 's message, "Angelita - new chapters (finally)" on Friday, February 18, 01:02:53pm

“Michael, you might want to take a look at this,” Walter said, pulling the other man aside back at the apartment.

“Excuse me, Nikita,” Michael told her, leaving her to her book.

“What is it Walter?” Michael asked, following Walter into the other room.

“Have a look,” Walter said, holding out the Enquirer.

“Merde,” Michael cursed under his breath.

“You can bet that Nick’s seen this,” Walter said, nodding at Michael’s choice of words.

“I was waiting for the right time to talk with him,” Michael said regretfully. “Now he’ll think we’ve been keeping it from him. Let’s show it to Nikita,” he said, taking the paper. “She’ll need to be prepared.”

Nikita groaned when she saw the picture. “Those nice photographers were taking pictures while we were still in the store,” she said, redundantly.

“We will need to talk to your father tonight, ‘kita,” Michael said softly.

“All right,” she said with a sigh. “But I want to tell him.”

Michael seemed about to protest, but then simply nodded.

As if on cue, they heard the front door open and shut as Nick came in.

“Nikita?” came his shout from the front hall.

Nikita sighed again, and then taking Michael’s hand walked toward the foyer.

“We’re here, father,” she said, smiling.

Nick took in the hand holding and then hung up his coat. “Would you two like to join me in my study?” he asked.

“Yes, we would. We have something we’d like to share with you,” Nikita said with a smile.

Her happy attitude seemed to confuse Nick, and he picked up his briefcase and headed towards the other end of the apartment.

Once he had been seated behind his large desk, Nick snapped open his briefcase and took out the two newspapers.

“Have you seen these?” he asked.

“Yes, we have,” Nikita said. “They are so nosy!”

“Should I assume from the picture and the ‘holding hands’ that these headlines aren’t off the mark?” he asked, looking between Nikita and Michael.

“No, they actually got it right this time, father. Michael and I are in love,” Nikita explained. She launched into the story of how Jurgen had pressed his advantage over her and how Michael had intervened.

“I have to admit, sir, that I have had feelings for Nikita since we were in Peru,” Michael told his boss quietly.

Nikita’s eyes flew to meet Michael’s.

“We weren’t trying to keep it from you, father,” Nikita explained. “But the relationship is so new that we were still working through things on our own.”

Nick sat back in his chair and thought. He realized that Walter must have known or suspected, or he wouldn’t have made his ‘let her make her own choices’ speech the other day. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Walter was right. He didn’t have any right to force her into relationships or anything. Michael had given him a gift by bringing back his daughter; Nick supposed that he owed it to Michael to allow them to find their own way.

“Miranda said that you two should probably lay low for a while,” he told them. “The media will be in a frenzy about this.”

“Does that mean that we have your blessing, father?” Nikita asked, turning her beaming smile on Nick.

Nick tried to sound stern, but under the warmth of her smile, he couldn’t manage it. “It means that I will allow you to make your own choices. If your choice in …boyfriend or whatever you want to call it, is Michael, then I’ll accept that. At least I know you’ll be safe,” he told her.

Nikita stood and went around the desk to hug her father. Michael stood and shook his hand.

“After Christmas, perhaps we should go somewhere to get out of the public eye,” Michael said.

“That’s a good idea,” Nick said. “Do you have somewhere in mind?”

“Switzerland?” Michael suggested.

Nikita’s eyes got big and round. “Ooooooh. That would be wonderful,” she said breathlessly.

“You can have Gail make the arrangements for you. I’m sure there are some exclusive hotels you could stay at to ‘hide out’ for a few weeks,” Nick said, tossing the newspapers in the trash and turning on his computer.

“Thank you father,” Nikita said, realizing they’d been dismissed. “I love you.”

Nick smiled at her and then turned back to his work.

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Subject Author Date
Wonderful chapter Juli.......Jennifer SFriday, July 15, 04:57:01pm
: )k8lynFriday, July 15, 10:42:17pm
Juli: Great chapter, so Dad is giving up andsignme1Saturday, July 16, 11:14:25am
More soon, Juli?Vaper3921Monday, August 01, 10:47:33pm
hmm...why does this seem....stephMonday, August 08, 08:34:10pm
don't leave me hangingelderTuesday, August 09, 01:58:02am
Since Dad's okay with it...(r)DianeSaturday, August 27, 05:08:32pm
Hope you will be back. Surelylilitz91Sunday, September 04, 01:25:29pm

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