JennS and Loveroy
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Date Posted: Monday, August 29, 10:57:05am
In reply to:
Loveroy & Jenn S
's message, "Sanglant - Chapter 24" on Monday, July 18, 07:05:09am
Michael's green eyes concentrated on the family jewel he'd worn since forever on the ring finger of his right hand. The filigreed sides of the gold piece of jewelry winked mockingly at him as if inviting him to solve the puzzles it held. The ebony stone smooth but for the diamonds that surrounded it, dressed the 18-karat gold with festive simplicity. What was it about this ring, what skeletons did it hide and why suddenly, all these doppelganger rings and their owners came to trouble Michael's orderly life?
One of the flight attendants the gorgeous man had buffed watched Michael fingering the ring with the same intensity that she knew he employed in every small task he undertook. Of course after the quickie with the incredible man she wanted to prolong the contact in hopes of creating a lasting relationship with him. She decided to approach him, but needed an excuse so she prepared fresh coffee and brought it to Michael who looked up at the woman with a questioning glance. He had not asked for coffee and certainly didn't want any, especially if it meant he had to chat.
Before she could ask if he wanted the coffee, Michael commented, "No thank you I don't want anything right now."
She placed the pot and cup on the serving cart and said, "Beautiful ring, is it a family heirloom?"
Trying to discourage any further conversation Michael answered, "No, it's my wedding ring."
"You are married?" Total disbelief from the hopeful woman.
"Yes," Answered the fed-up man, "I hope it…"
"No, it doesn't matter, the sex was great." The woman answered and turned away.
The pilot made an announcement but Michael did not pay close attention because he was back to studying the ring that he now held. He noticed for the first time since he inherited the jewel that the grooves cut into the gold looked like an inscription of filigreed letters intertwined into an illustrious symbol. What did that mean and was he just imagining things after his strange visit to the other side of the World?
The other flight attendant came over to insure that Michael was wearing his seatbelt as U.S. Federal law required, and he was not wearing the belt. It seemed that the announcement the Captain previously made instructing everyone to buckle up because they were about to hit bad turbulence had escaped Michael. As if scripted, and before Michael could fasten his safety belt the plane took a huge dive and the man hit his head with the coffee pot that flew and stroke him, burning his hand with the thankfully cooling coffee; Michael passed out.
Nikita excused herself and ran to the bedroom to change the shirt she wore. Although the garment smelled like Michael and that was a scent the blonde beauty didn't wish to forget, she needed to gain her composure to talk about the job offer with the visiting physician. She was giddy with the prospect of a new life and a new job. Hematology was her passion, but pathology included elements of the science she loved so much and would afford her the experience she lacked to perhaps eventually get the elusive sub-specialty training.
Adrian and the Coroner sat on the flowery couch of the quaint living room chatting amicably while Nikita finished in her bedroom. When they felt sure that Nikita could not hear them, Adrian continued the tirade against the doctor. She was angry and afraid, she needed to keep her grandchildren safe and seemed to be failing misserably at the task.
"Adrian, calm down George ordered me to offer her a job and send her to his side. He thinks that the young woman needs to be kept on a short leash," The doctor explained.
"I need to talk to George about this and so much more, can you explain to him that…" Adrian was saying as Nikita entered the room and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare a spot of tea.
The physicians, re directing the conversation, discussed the function Nikita would serve at the pathology lab now that the woman had agreed to take the job. But first, the doctor informed both women of his plan to incorporate Nikita into the new job, explaining how this was all last minute for he had decided to give her the job just the day before. Nikita would be going for a three month long congress that the American College of Pathology was offering in South Africa and get some training there.
Nikita spoke up still standing by the stove, "Wait a moment, I told you before accepting the position that I could not go anywhere far from Adrian."
Adrian piped in, having changed her tune after learning these were George's order, "Nikita don't be silly…"
Nikita interrupted, "Tell you what Adrian, come with me to the conference and like that, I won't worry for you while I am gone."
The Pathologist agreed, "Excellent idea Nikita, Adrian was a fabulous doctor in her time, she even taught at the Medical School on the mainland."
Adrian blushed, "Oh please quit eulogizing me while I am still alive, you are embarrassing me. Nikita, it would be an honor to accompany you on your trip. In fact, it will probably be a lot of fun."
"Then it is settled." The Coroner said, "I am sorry to give you such short notice, but you leave by weeks end."
"What?" Both women said in unison.
It was going to be difficult to pack, close up the house and leave Jurgen in charge of the practice, but it could be done. The women from their own positions got caught up in the excitement of the adventure. Adrian then regaled them with tales about her previous trips to the Region and they drank tea and laughed.
The bump on Michael's head left him unconscious and the women struggled to sit him up from his position on the floor of the plane. They were applying ice and first aid to the wound and burn as the plane made its final approach, still in a bad weather pattern. Subsequently it landed as an ambulance waited for the wounded passenger to be taken to an ER.
Michael's emergency contact, which in his case was someone at his office, was advised that the handsome man was on his way to the hospital's emergency room. Michael's belonging would be gathered by the airline and sent to the hospital room that M. Samuelle was sure to occupy for some time. Michael's jacket, which hung from the bulkhead closet, was left behind in error, the two letters he needed to solve the mysteries stayed in the pocket.
Michael rode in the ambulance, ring on ring finger, while the EMT personnel took care of his - gratefuly not so serious wounds. By the time he arrived at the hospital, he was awake, aware and in some pain, but understood the need to spend time in the hospital for observation. He called his assistant and gave him some order, then he tried Nikita again, but still could not speak to the 'fetching' blonde. This accident, Michael mused in the darkness of his hospital room, was probably kharma once more mocking him.
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