Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 189 |
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Date Posted: Thursday, March 10, 08:28:03pm
In reply to:
's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 175 - 190 - Repost" on Thursday, March 10, 07:46:55pm
Nikita entered the main computer systems room where Michael worked at the main console. A series of numbers raced across two screens. She pulled a chair up beside Michael.
“I talked to Adrian.....told her you know about her being alive...and...ahhh, I invited her to dinner this evening...a late dinner.”
“Yes...I should speak with her,” he responded, engrossed in tapping codes on the keyboard.
“She said she would prefer if we visited her tomorrow at her cottage...for that okay?”
Michael looked up from the computer. “Hummmmm....she didn’t want to meet with me?”
Nikita smiled. “Don’t take it personally Michael....she’s an older lady...said she prefers not to eat late cause she can’t apparently she goes to bed at 9 pm.”
Nikita leaned over and whispered in Michael’s ear. “Not all women are panting at your beckon call, you know.”
“What? I don’t know what...oh...teasing me again...I will learn some day to not take your bait. Tomorrow for lunch is fine and you said she wished to help us with locating the Medusa Society....continue the mission.”
“Well, that’s not entirely how she put it. But she will aid in the search...what and how, you need to speak with her....but...ahhh, Michael, you do recall the promise you made to me about once you locate the players in the Society...well, that you will turn it over to authorities and not pursue them yourself.”
“I remember the promise Nikita but it does not mean we will be safe from them continuing to hunt us.”
“But surely if the authorities are tracking them...closing in...Quinn and the Society will not attempt to pursue us!”
Michael looked into Nikita’s eyes. “I wish that were don’t you go for a run before we have dinner....then we can have a quiet time...just the two of our room.”
Nikita smiled. “Yes...a run...another shower...dinner....then you seduce me again...what a perfect life I lead!” She reached down to tickle Michael but he pulled back quickly. She started for the door. “I’ll have cook prepare us coq au vin...the way you like it...okay?”
“Perfect...see you later.”
~ ~ ~
The following day Michael and Nikita drove into the village and out towards the marina; Michael parked the car and Nikita pointed in the direction of Adrian’s cottage. As they began walking along the path, Michael slipped his hand over Nikita’s, he lifted it to his lips, smiled and they continued walking.
“I felt it wise to continue parking the vehicle away from her cottage...just in case,” commented Nikita.
“Yes...wise decision. I suppose we should dispose of the Mercedes...but it seems like such a waste.”
Nikita smiled. “Your beautiful car Michael...why not just hide it somewhere at the villa...we could use one of Dalton’s cars.”
“Well, here we are...beautiful isn’t it. Adrian is an avid gardener...grows extraordinary plants of all kinds.
The door to the cottage flung open and Adrian stretched out her arms. “Come in...come in! Oh this is wonderful seeing the two of you together!” She quickly eyed their clasped hands and the way Michael ever so gently brushed his cheek against Nikita’s hair as they entered the cottage.
“Do come in! Well Michael Samuelle, we finally meet again...albeit under more relaxed circumstances...please be seated by the fire.” They shook hands and Michael brushed his cheek to Adrian’s in a continental greeting. “ what may I offer you to, sherry...some scotch perhaps....”
“Wine would be perfect,” smiled Nikita.
“Yes, wine...thank you Mrs. Maxwell,” nodded Michael.
“Oh my goodness! Please call me Adrian...not so formal, and may I call you Michael?”
“Yes, please do.”
“I hope you both like lamb....I have a rack braising in the oven...along with some vegetables...not from my garden I’m afraid...but soon it will be spring and the growing season will commence.”
“Michael and I both like lamb...thank you Adrian.”
After Adrian poured the wine, she returned to her kitchen to check on the lamb. Wandering back to the sitting room, she raised her wine glass. “I wish to offer a toast to you’ve been through so much together and I can see by your faces, your bond has grown even stronger.”
Nikita blushed, recalling last night’s lovemaking. Michael lifted his glass and nodded silently.
“Oh now...I didn’t mean to embarrass the two of you...I only meant to say....well Michael, Nikita has told me of your continuous flight from the Society....and...I can see how much you must love each other.”
Nikita could sense Michael’s discomfort with Adrian’s statement...the exposure of feelings to other people. “Ahhhh...Adrian, please tell Michael of your escape from death in the Bahamas...everything you told me.”
After Adrian detailed her story and how she came to be hiding in Portugal, Michael nodded.
“Remarkable story Mrs. Max...Adrian....but have you never felt compelled to contact Center...Mr. let him know of your survival?”
“Never! The man would put me back to see Michael, one reaches a time in one’s life when the simpler things are more important....well, until now. I’m not certain if Nikita has told you...but I wish to aid in the search for the Medusa Society. Anything I can do...just put me to work.”
“Well, are you certain? You have remained hidden here and have a very comfortable life...why jeopardize that?”
“As I told Nikita...once a spook always a spook...just say sometimes my life is a little too quiet...I miss the game.”
Michael glanced at Nikita; she could see in his eyes he was wondering just how much intel she had relayed to Adrian. Nikita reached for the wine bottle. “May I offer to top up the glasses,” she said nervously.
“Your help would be most generous Mrs. Maxwell...oh, sorry...Adrian, but at present I’m still attempting to locate the Society...I’ve been trying for some time to access communications at MI-6 because we know Declan Quinn is a key you probably know.”
“Yes, that was confirmed when he and his cohorts attempted to kill me.”
“Yes...well, while I was in Paris, Nikita discovered sequences of numbers and a Medusa insignia...the numbers are no doubt communication codes. I’m currently attempting to write a decoding program to decipher the numbers...hopefully I’ll get lucky and come up with something soon.”
“Hummmmm....yes, the Society was always obsessed with medieval symbols and ancient codes.”
“Oh....ancient codes? Like what?”
“Archaic Greek...Roman symbols...fascinating period really...I always felt some of the Medusa Society had studied ancient Greek history...many of their tactics for infiltrating and manipulating governments, corporations and otherwise, are based on ancient history...medieval.”
“I see...and you have reference or knowledge of this?”
“An earlier passion of mine Michael...but today anyone surfing the internet can become a pupil.”
Nikita smiled to herself, remembering all the research she had downloaded for Michael on ancient Greek and Roman symbolism. He had not bothered to look at the disc, preferring to work solely on the number sequences.
Adrian turned towards the kitchen and sniffed the air. “Oh, please excuse me...I think the lamb is done....please bring your wine glasses into my little diningroom.”
“May I help you Adrian,” smiled Nikita.
“Thank you dear...perhaps you could scoop out the vegetables and Michael...please bring the dregs of that wine and open another bottle from the sideboard.”
Nikita looked at Michael and grinned. It was like having dinner at the relatives. They followed Adrian to the kitchen and performed their tasks as requested. Once seated and the table filled with plates of steaming food, Adrian passed around the vegetables and asked Michael to carve the rack of lamb. Adrian raised her glass and smiled. “Welcome to my home....I am so glad you are here...and that we are at last...together.”
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