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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 164

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 06:36:14pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 151 & forward" on Wednesday, October 20, 08:23:26pm

Michael sat opposite Dalton in the dining room. They were finishing the evening meal and Dalton was ecstatic that Michael had broken the security codes on the software.

“I just knew you would do this for me Michel! You are the best. Good thing too as the old boy is getting a little tired having to get it up for the....ahhhh...distractions I have presented him with! Ha! Too much sex gets to be a bore, right! Nevertheless, women do serve a purpose for release. Oh, I am sorry Nikita is not feeling well tonight....I asked to have a plate sent to your suite in case her appetite returns.”

“Thank you.”

Dalton sipped his wine, and carefully placed the crystal goblet on the table. “Ahhhh.....Michel, can I ask you a personal question?”

“It depends...on the question.”

“Certainly. I’ve...well, this woman you are with...Nikita. Like I’ve told you before, she’s extremely attractive...any man would want her in his bed...but....well, after Anna...I felt certain you would never take a woman as a companion again. This one, Nikita, must be extra special.”


“When Anna betrayed you to the extremist mujahadeem ...and they tortured you.....well, rumor had it that the two of you were having sex before they broke in and captured you...that she was blowing you Michel....and if I remember, Anna could give an incredible blow job....sorry, but she was with me before you stole her away.....anyway....I’ve always wondered....was that what she was doing when the buggers broke into your room and grabbed you?”

Michael said nothing - he looked up, swallowing the rest of his wine and glared at Dalton.

“Make up your own story Dalton. I asked you earlier this evening if I could continue to use your computer facilities to infiltrate MI-6 and Interpol intelligence - you have not answered me.”

“Oh, of course, please be my guest Michel! And....well, sorry if I was being presumptuous with my question....I apologize.”

Michael rose and pushed his chair from the table.

“Only another few days Richard....that’s all I require....good night.”

Michael turned and walked from the diningroom. When he returned to their suite, Nikita was not in the livingroom; her uneaten dinner sat on the table. Michael walked to the bedroom and slowly opened the door; the room was dark but he could see the outline of a person on the patio. He strolled slowly towards the patio and whispered. “Nikita? Are you okay?”

She spun around and stormed back into the bedroom; turning on a bedside lamp.

“Have a good dinner with Dalton?” she asked sarcastically.

“It was fine. Look, I apologize for my behavior earlier....I have a lot on my mind....with Dalton’s presentation and attempting to break into MI-6 and Interpol’s systems.”

“Why are you lying to me Michael? Admit it .....you love this game....you love playing with people by manipulating their cyber worlds. You don’t plan to ever leave this place, do you! Dalton has convinced you to work for him....right!”

“That is not true....and we will leave here in a few days....I promise.”

“Admit it Michael....the game and Dalton’s world is the only one you truly want. Why I believed I meant something to you is beyond me!”

“That is not true....I do care for you...but I need to perform certain things that can only be accomplished on Dalton’s system.”

“Why don’t I believe you Michael? Why is that.”

“You are just bored from being cooped up with nothing to do....I’m sorry....perhaps tomorrow go into the village....I’ll arrange for a driver to take you....do some shopping maybe.”

“Oh yes....have the little woman go shopping....that solves everything! Michael....I....I want us to be totally honest with each other....but you continue to shut me out....I want to know who Michael Samuelle is....how he feels about things....what he wants.....and what is most important to him....why can’t you understand that!”

“I’m sorry....that is not who I am....I’m not like you Nikita.... I keep things locked inside....I realize it is important to you for me to express my total feelings but....well, I will try....soon. Look, you have not eaten any dinner, let me call to have the food heated....you will feel better then.”

“Get out! Sleep on the damn sofa tonight! And I don’t want any food....do your little computer games...just leave me alone.”

Michael stared at her in disbelief.

“GET OUT! NOW!” She pointed to the door as tears formed in her eyes. Nikita turned away quickly so Michael could not see her face.

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Subject Author Date
Huh?? (NT)MichelleBWednesday, November 24, 09:51:52pm
WellmorkovkaThursday, November 25, 04:33:09am
Good for her! (NT)signme1Friday, November 26, 10:05:46am

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