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Subject: GBMO...part thirteen

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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 02:35:35pm
In reply to: Fairyt 's message, "News about GMBO..." on Thursday, October 21, 10:34:47am

It was one cold rainy morning halfway the autumn. But it was also the day for Chandler to visit the company. Michael, Nikita, Jurgen and the rest of the staff were waiting with anticipation. Everyone in the building seemed to be nervous and no wonder, since their futures so much depended on this visitation.

Chandler came with two other men, his solicitor George Orwell and an appraiser Jim Hardin.

“Welcome mister Chandler, I’m Michael Samuelle. We’ve spoken with each other on the telephone.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Samuelle. These gentlemen are my solicitor Mr. Orwell and Mr. Hardin is appraiser.”

“Nice to meet you too. Will you follow me please?”

He took them to Phillip’s office where Nikita was waiting, nervous as a school girl on her first assignment. Jurgen and some other staff members were present as well.

Michael introduced them all to each other. Then summoned for the servant to come in and serve coffee, tea sandwiches and cakes or whatever was asked for.

While the conversation was going on, Nikita stayed close to Michael, listening intently to the developments and progress that were going on all around in the business world. After a half an hour or so, Michael announced that the round tour could begin. They would start at the same floor they were on, than proceed to the floor downstairs and so on to the storage and production floor.

Michael took the lead and the whole party followed after him. Both parties listened, asked questions, made notes of what was being said or aided information if necessary.

Nikita was the only one who didn’t aid to the conversation going on, she merely listened while following. So Jurgen took this opportunity to post him at her side all the time during the round tour, since Michael was too busy to pay her attention.

At this point Nikita didn’t mind, because she really didn’t feel too comfortable in this particular company. She was too grateful that at least someone was there to support her. But all of this didn’t escape the sharp eyes of Chandler himself. In the office she had practically clung to Michael. Now Jurgen seem to clung to her in some sort of possessive way, not that she seemed to mind.

Now Alec was asking himself if the girl was spoken for in any way, because if not, it would be interesting to see the two men fight over her, while he would make sure to get away with the bone, as the saying goes. Wouldn’t that become his smartest move ever? Kill two birds with one stone and take over the company and the daughter as well!

After the round tour, that had lasted at least two hours, they ended up in Phillip’s office again. And Chandler spoke out his appreciation of what he’d seen. But he wanted to speak about all these details over a business dinner-meeting with all of them, including Nikita as well.
Then he turned to her to ask about her father and to say how sorry he was that things had taken such a nasty turn. And that if he had known before hand, he might have decided on a different course, but that maybe it wasn’t too late and she would grant him the opportunity to restore some of the negative outcome of all that was done etc. etc.

In short, the man made an impression on the young woman with his promise, as was his intention of course. And at her reaction he was sure of his success.

While Michael was walking the men downstairs, Nikita stayed behind with Jurgen to discus the events of the morning.

For Nikita, the meeting had been better than expected, thanks to Michael and Jurgen of course. They made sure nothing embarrassing happened. Also she was able to keep up with the conversation between the men.

Jurgen asked her how she thought about the man Chandler.

In her opinion he didn’t seem too bad. She knew that his ways of trading weren’t always decent, but understandable in the business world with all the competition going around. Chandler seemed really concerned about their problems and wanted to make amends. A man like that couldn’t be that bad, could he?

Jurgen agreed with her at a certain level, but he really wanted to know if she was attracted to Chandler. But before he could voice that question, Michael entered the office and notified them of the latest decisions he made with Chandler.

Jurgen wanted to know how Michael felt about Chandler’s attraction to Nikita and asked: “What do you think about his promises to Nikita?”

Michael: “I believe he sounded sincere. Why?”

Nikita: “Jurgen thinks I shouldn’t be too pleased with him since we don’t know for sure if he’s intentions are honest.”

Michael: “Chandler’s interest in the company, as far as I’m concerned, is real because he’ll gain a major head start from the competitors and make him have the monopoly in this region. So, I don’t think he’ll let that pass.”

Jurgen: “But still, we shouldn’t be careless in our actions towards the man, since we haven’t closed the deal yet.”

Michael: “In this case I must agree with you and I advise that we all act accordingly during this episode until we’ve put everything behind us.”

With that the group split up and went their own ways, pre-occupied with their own thoughts about each other.
Nikita however decided that it wouldn’t be unwise to see if Chandler’s attention would lead to something more permanent.


When Nikita came home, she went straight to her father to tell him about the visit. Adrian was with him. They could tell she’d had a great time because she was glowing with excitement. Before asking about his health she started to tell them everything that had happened including Chandler’s promise and interest. And that he regretted to have had any part in their unfortunate circumstances. Truly a gentleman, wasn’t he?
It was clear to both listeners that she was very charmed of the man.


Then Michael came home in the afternoon and it was his turn to tell the story. He was all matter of fact. Chandler had been most generous in his offers, had practically agreed on all their conditions and demands in some sort of way to try to make amends for the damage done. His lawyers would prepare all documents according the agreement and in time they’ll set up a business dinner to discus the documents and sign the papers etc. etc.

Phillip asked him about Chandler’s interest in Nikita.

Chandler had spoken with her briefly but Michael hadn’t been able to join in the conversation with them. Therefore he didn’t know what was said but Nikita had made quite an impression on the man, because he’d invited her personally to come to the dinner meeting and she accepted.

“What are his intentions, Michael?”

“Matter of fact? He’s a straight forward businessman, but on personal level? I can’t say. I advised her to be careful with him and to watch for any inappropriate behavior on both sides. Better not to put at risk the business relationship in development.”

“Michael, see to it that he doesn’t expect certain compensations for his generous offers before signing the documents. Make it clear that she’s not part of the bargain.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

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Subject Author Date
Great to see you back with more of your story. (NT)TinaWednesday, December 22, 05:47:44pm
I hope that(r)MichelleBThursday, December 23, 08:32:39am

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