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Welcome to the Robert Newton chatboard! This is a place to discuss the colorful and talented actor and his work.
How this forum works:
(1) New topics appear at the top. New replies to older topics will also cause those topics to move to the top. Dates next to the topic titles indicate the date of the most recent posting to that topic. ("Author" indicates the originator of the topic, not necessarily the most recent poster.)
(2) Due to the ever-increasing abuse of message boards by spammers, HTML tags are not allowed in postings. Additionally, as in many other forums, passwords are now required for posting messages. If you have not yet received one, please click the "Contact Forum Admin" link above to request your password. (Be aware that, like spam, "Trolling" will not be tolerated.)
(3) In an effort to improve the organization of the forum (and to speed page-loading time), only topic headings are listed on the main page; clicking on the topic will reveal the text of all postings in that topic. Because only the topic title is visible on the main page, please try to make your subject line as descriptive (and general) as possible, or use an existing topic if appropriate. I hope this format will reduce some redundancy in topics and make it easier to find your particular topic of interest (although some topics will naturally tend to overlap).Happy chatting, and thanks for your interest and participation! ~Susan :-)
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(from 2001 and earlier; links to current archives can be found above)
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