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Hepatitis C Outreach Project
Hepatitis C Outreach Project, (since 1992) Discussion Forum
Our mission is to inspire, support and enhance community efforts toward prevention, awareness, education, and treatment of hepatitis C and promote organ donation. We are committed to working with any organization, agency, or professional individual to develop partnerships resulting in quality programing and good public decision making based on accurate information regarding hepatitis C. We offer our resources and services freely in a spirit of goodwill and generosity, ever mindful of our purpose.

Information on health issues concerning hepatitis C. The information is intended to assist professionals with clinical decisions and provide background information for presentations. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a practitioner.
Please remember the Hepatitis C Outreach Project in your Workplace Giving Campaigns this fall
As fall is upon us, so too are the workplace fund drives. Hepatitis C is proud to participate in employee giving programs that allow donations through payroll deduction.
Please consider Hepatitis C when making your contribution this fall.
Many state governments have charitable fund drives for their employees. Each state has its own eligibility criteria. If you wish to designate the Hepatitis C Outreach Project for your contributions and your state requires information or documentation, please contact us and let us know what we need to do to qualify for your fund drive.
Some United Way campaigns allow unlisted charities to receive your contribution. If Hepatitis C Outreach Project is not listed in your United Way brochure, you may still be able to contribute through the "Donor Option" feature that many local United Ways now offer. If your local has the donor option, write the Hepatitis C Outreach name and address in the space provided on your United Way pledge card:
Hepatitis C Outreach Project
Tax ID: 91-1909632

Finally, many corporate giving campaigns allow a donor to write in a charity of choice. Lists are often provided of eligible organizations, but the list is not limited. You can still designate the Hepatitis C Outreach Project as your choice this year simply by writing the above information into the space provided.
The Hepatitis C Outreach Project is very grateful for our past contributors and we hope that you will continue to support our mission in the fall 2009 pledge drive in your community.
We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service Tax Code. We are listed with Guidestar.org, verified by facebook.
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