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Date Posted: 10/10/05 7:36:31pm
Author: Cody Farrell
Subject: Re: They never gave the counter-sign
In reply to: Carl Anderton 's message, "They never gave the counter-sign" on 10/10/05 7:15:04pm

I once got in trouble while serving in Louisiana while on campaign. The particular officer, who must remain nameless, approached me while on picket duty. He asked for my rifle, and being as slow thinking as I am, I started to hand it to the officer...mistake #1. Before I realized it was a mistake, the officer had it in his hand. The officer then requested the Sgt. Major who was sleeping amongst the slightly used mules at the time. :-)0nce the Sgt. Major was finished being jumped out his fury was then placed upon myself. I did get in to quite some trouble that night...for after that the particular officer and myself would run across each others paths again. But this time the officer would meet the point of my bayonet first before he meeting myself. The particular officer who didn't remember the counters sign requested that I not point the bayonet at him, as well as requesting the Sgt. Major.

In conclusion to this long winded story, the first thing an officer meets when approaching me while on picket duty is a business end of a bayonet...not a damn salute. So I guess I learned my lesion that moonless night ;-).

Oh...it wasn't Doug...

Cody Farrell
The Guy who didn't show up @ Corinth because of a damn hurricane....

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