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Date Posted: 12/14/05 11:25:02pm
Author: Doug Cooper
Subject: Rich Mountain Impression and company details

Boys I requested and was granted a change from the 20th Virginia to the 25th Virginia for our impression by the event organizers. In honor of the fact that Mark Terry has an ancestor who fought in Co H, 25th VA I am asking that our company be designated Co H.

The 20th VA had very little written on it and basically disbanded by late 1861 - two companies being folded into the 59th VA and the rest ceased to exist. The 25th has many good sources and fought through the entire war. Am searching now for photos as well and sources that describe recruting and training, as well as the battle itself.

The organizers are asking that we field a 40 man company. To do that we would need all of us and then some to come to the event, July 14-16. In the past the Hornet/Jack/Chap company has fielded as many as 30.

Action: I need to get a feel for how far afield we need to go to pick up the required men. Mark, Danny and Jon please canvas your orgs to get as good a count as you can, and send me suggestions on who we might also contact (such as Frank and the boys in MO, etc.)

Uniform will be a basic single breasted frock, which I suspect most of us have or can get by July. If we find some details on Co H, such as photos or uniform descriptions, please sing out!

See the event website at http://www.richmountain.org/2006event/

This one looks good, and the WIG is now fielding an entire battalion in blue. The Stonewall Brigade is running our side, and they are good men. They are happy to have us.

Stay tuned,


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