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Subject: Larfs

syd young
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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 03, 08:30:35pm

A short one for you Mike.

A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud
pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a
drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
"Not a chance," says the husband, "It is three o'clock in the morning.

He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was that?" asked his wife.

"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.

"Did you help him?" she asks.

"No. I did not.

Its three o'clock in the morning and it is pouring rain outside!"

His wife said, "Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke
down and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you
should be ashamed of yourself!"

The man does as he is told (of course!), gets dressed and goes out into
the pouring rain.

He calls out into the dark, "Hello! Are you still there?"

"Yes," comes back the answer.

"Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband.

"Yes! Please!" comes the reply from the darkness.

"Where are you?" asks the husband.

"Over here on the swing!!" replies the drunk

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Subject Author Date
Re: LarfsDennis McGuckinWednesday, June 04, 12:23:18am
Re: LarfsMIKE (for syd)Wednesday, June 04, 11:02:11am
Re: Larfsalf corbyn (plymouth devon r 397928)Wednesday, June 04, 12:24:07pm
Re: LarfsDes taff Jenkins (Happy for Peter)Monday, June 09, 08:14:18am

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