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Subject: Re: Language

Syd Young (4 Brian)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 10, 12:03:07pm
In reply to: Brian (Site admin) 's message, "Language" on Tuesday, June 10, 11:02:08am

Brian I have always supported you with your concern about the abusive and libelous postings of some cranks on this site,but I cannot support you on this one.
I put a few jokes on the Swinging the Lamp forum to perhaps brighten up a site that was becoming a platform for personal abuse.

A lot of jokes contain a bit of bad language with the odd word in, unlike many TV shows and films these days that use bad language in its fullest sense(Not asterisks)with alarming frequency.

We are after all Ex merchant Seamen,dont tell me that you have not told a riske joke in your life Brian.
It is a sad day if we have to refrain from telling a joke.The Ships Nostalia site do not restrict joke telling in fact the thread entiteled "I wonder how far this thread will go" has more hits that any other thread.

If the Swinging the Lamp forum is not the place for a joke or yarn then what is.Most of use like a bit of banter,who wants to be serious all the time.

I find this all very sad,but it is your site so you make the rules.

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Subject Author Date
Re: LanguagePeter J Murphy happyTuesday, June 10, 12:36:17pm
    Re: LanguageBrian (Site admin)Tuesday, June 10, 02:27:19pm

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