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Subject: Re: Language

john strange (my opinion)
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Date Posted: Friday, June 13, 06:06:04am
In reply to: Brian (Site admin) 's message, "Language" on Tuesday, June 10, 11:02:08am

I find it so sad that this great site has degenerated into what is almost a farce. Of all the M.N. sites this is by far the very best, it is the only one that allows interaction. Yes S.N. does have a joke section, but they are all vetted before they are allowed on the iste. I know as one I sent, no bad language, was not allowed as they would have been liable. We all enjoy the banter, it has always been part of a seamans life, so had bad language but this is not the place for it, nor is it the place for personal abuse. As Brian states, he has set this site up at considerable cost to himself so that we the humble seamen of a past generation can relive some of those great days. My advise to those who do not want to, or are not prepared to, play be the rules go and try the other sites and see how far you get. You wont even make it to smoko. Brain I will do all I can to support you and this site. If it had not been for all your efforts I would not have met up with some of th efantastic guys on this site, guys nad gals I can now call friend, and that includes P.J.M. So to all of you pull your bloody horns in and get off to the fog locker. happy daze john in oz

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Subject Author Date
Re: Languagemike (for all)Friday, June 13, 10:40:26am
    Re: LanguagePeter J Murphy for bobbySaturday, June 14, 01:06:56pm

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