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Subject: Re: global drinks

Laurie Tye (Hi Kev)
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Date Posted: Wednesday, June 18, 02:37:11pm
In reply to: kev 's message, "Re: global drinks" on Tuesday, June 17, 09:02:39pm

Thanks for asking Kev,
It was quite a trip , and for those who didn't know, my wife and I saved up and joined a French container ship as passengers for a three and a half month voyage from London to Aussie and back and all points in between. There were never more than five passengers at any one time.The ship was the "Manet" and had a Filipino crew with Croatian officers. The accommodation and food was first class and we had the complete run of the ship. Sitting in a pilots chair with a large gin and tonic in your hand while going through the Panama canal made quite a change from the days when I used to go through as an A.B. or bosun.
The trouble with these container ships is that you are never in one place too long and you can be quite a way from town when you dock.But it was the actual time at sea that I was mainly looking forward to and that was great.
We had some truly good piss ups down in the Filipinos mess and also in the officers bar. Whenever conditions were right they would get the barbecue going on deck and this included whole suckling pigs. We were the only two who did the round trip but there were passengers joining and leaving the ship at various ports and we met some right characters,from a retired American federal judge to a semi alcoholic ,multi divorcee Aussie. We had some great runs ashore too. We had one of the best meals I've ever had in my life in Tahiti (paid for by a very rich Swiss passenger)
and a night in a pole-dancing club on the outskirts of Philadelphia.
A lot of the places that we went to were hard to recognise from my time at sea but I guess that was to be expected.
It was a great experience and if my premium bond comes up we will do another one.
Keep swinging the lamp Kev

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Subject Author Date
Re: global drinkskev (happy)Wednesday, June 18, 11:43:06pm
Re: global drinksjohn strange (4 Laurie)Thursday, June 19, 06:10:27am

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