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Date Posted: 19:47:44 04/17/06 Mon
Author: Laura
Subject: Re: Tired Music Programs
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Tired Music Programs" on 14:32:53 04/28/05 Thu

I never experianced this problem in my own music programs, but I did notice it in surrounding schools. Take marching band for instance I never understood why a school would use the same exact show every week. Of course your kids as well as your audiance is going to get bored with that. You need different shows and new techniques. I think taking field trips is also a great idea. My school never did it but I thought it would have been great for us to go see the Toledo Symphony which is only like 40 minutes from my high school. As the teacher, you need to find your own program fun in order for your kids to feel that way. My band director would sometimes let us have a free day in the sense that we got to choose the music we wanted to play. This would normally happen after marching season or after a concert. It was always something fun that we enjoyed.

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[> [> Re: Tired Music Programs -- Molly, 20:08:09 04/17/06 Mon [1]

Wow. I've never really thought about this. My high school marching band was as Laura spoke about.... We had ONE show all year long and competed throughout the season. Oddly enough, we never seemed to tire of it. We did a different drill for the half-time show of the football games, but even if the parents had seen it before, they didn't care. We practically had groupies. That made it exciting enough. Not just the competition, but the act of going to the competitions and seeing the other bands from all over. It seemed there was never a dull moment.

Maybe it depends on how the ensemble is run. The group needs to have direction and goals so that the students and the community doesn't tire of the same ol' routine. Perhaps it all comes down to having an ensemble director that knows what he/she/it is doing. If they know the ins and outs of how the group works and works best, then they should know how to keep the group's interest and morale up.

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