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Subject: More on theferry

Robert Porter
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Date Posted: "Sat, Sep 11 2004, 19:12:18 PDT"

I had a call from the MSA yesterday to say that they canot deal with the ferry bookings Spain to Tangier. I have a nume for a firm who seem to be able to book for us but the ferry runs out of Tarifa just a bit further down the road, and a bit more expensive. It seems that one of the ferry companies hasa boat out of action so the choices are becoming fewer. The company I am booking with is VIAMARE on 0870 106040, the person spoke to is called Dale and he seems very helpful. I`LL let you all know what happens on Monday,
See you all soon Robert

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[> Subject: Re: More on theferry

Dennis Morris
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Date Posted: "Mon, Sep 13 2004, 20:05:59 PDT"

>I had a call from the MSA yesterday to say that they
>canot deal with the ferry bookings Spain to Tangier. I
>have a nume for a firm who seem to be able to book for
>us but the ferry runs out of Tarifa just a bit further
>down the road, and a bit more expensive. It seems that
>one of the ferry companies hasa boat out of action so
>the choices are becoming fewer. The company I am
>booking with is VIAMARE on 0870 106040, the person
>spoke to is called Dale and he seems very helpful.
>I`LL let you all know what happens on Monday,
>See you all soon Robert
Hi Robert..I no i sound a bit thick and dim??(Pleas do not reply to this part of the E-mail) But can we just rollup to the port in Algerians in Spain and catch a ferry to Tangiers
just like catching a bus but it not a bus it a car ferry??
i can not get my car ona bus...

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[> Subject: Re: More on theferry

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Date Posted: "Mon, Sep 13 2004, 21:35:48 PDT"

It is perfectly possibly to arrive at the ferry port in Algeciras and buy a ticket from one of the many ticket offices just outside the port. Euroferrys is one of the many companies who operate and they run more or less every hour or so from 7am to 11pm.


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