Author: Richard Brenton/Peter Johnson
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Date Posted: "Wed, Oct 06 2004, 20:27:30 PDT"
Hi, Dad, hope your both well, hope the journey was ok driving to tangier, everyone wants to say hello (Mom, Lucy, Richard, Tony, Connor, Stuart, Tish, Luke & Sean.), how's the race going made any progress yet or run any one off the road yet or is that just my style of driving?,
Is the weather nice & hot if so please send some back as its pouring with rain & cold, Is there any unusal or rare cars in the rally have looked on the web site but it dosnt show any cars yet thought they might have some of the start of the rally maybe they have posted any yet. Have just read Dicks message's on the board good job that steve bloke did quit as you wouldnt of met dick I wouldnt be going round telling folkes my dads in a rally, said he completed one race in a strange car that never heard of that he transformed into a 4 wheeler. Say hi to him hope your both enjoying it. hooe to hear from you soon, love your favorite daughter & son in law Dawn & tony XXX
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