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Subject: [.As.Low.As.You.Go.]

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Date Posted: 10:48:46 02/21/04 Sat
In reply to: Centenial 's message, ".&. Day in Congress .&." on 10:38:21 02/21/04 Sat

[.I just noticed the lack of saddles. Sorry!!. On MSN send me her picture and I'll try to make a table for her..]

From the corner of her eye, Juliette noticed Christine's attempt to slow the colt and realized she should do the same. Years of track experiance on unruly, high strung Thoroughbred's had prepared her for such situations. Her grip upon the reins grew firm as she drew in some rein length between her fingers to apply pressure to the bit the mare sported.

Knees and calves were securly fastened to the mare's sides, using themselves to hold the balance of the woman upon Redemption's back. Juliette loosened her stance, lifting her body from it's crouched position over the powerful withers, reducing their position in aerodynamics. Her body swayed lightly with the motion of Redemption to absord the jolts and shocks the mare's pace threw at her own body. Easing against the reins once more, Jules summoned the mare back to a collected gallop followed by a canter..


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[*]Reedeming My Pride[*]Redemption19:11:38 02/21/04 Sat

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