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Date Posted: 05:41:59 12/02/04 Thu
Author: Pam Lind
Subject: Twiggs' Surrender 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On February 16, 1681, Brevet General David E. Twiggs peacefully surrendered control of the Alamo and the Department of Texas to the Texas Civilian Militia. The 11th annual reenactment of this little-known piece of Civil War history in Texas will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2005. The event is jointly hosted by the San Antonio chapter of the SCV and Company K of the 6th TX Infantry.

Please accept this invitation to join us. Reenactors are needed to portray Texas & Federal soldiers and civilians...especially civilians.

Activities planned will include an 1860's living history encampment, opportunities to visit with military and civilian reenactors, 2 performances of the surrender reenactment (11am & 2:30pm) and drill routines of Texas Militia and Federal Forces. A VOLUNTARY registration of $5.00 is requested from each reenactor to help offset the expenses for permits and insurance. Those interested in attending should contact Rudy Krisch (SCV) at 210-736-0924 or Ian Straus (Co. K) at istraus@texas.net to obtain registration forms and event guidelines.

This is a wonderful opportunity to treat the family to an enjoyable weekend on the San Antonio Riverwalk or treat the spouse to an early Valentine getaway. We hope to see you there.


Pam Lind
Civilian Member
Co K of the 6th TX

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