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Date Posted: 23:51:46 03/23/13 Sat
Author: Richu T (:))
In reply to: Charmane Loh 's message, "HELIOPHYTES AND SCIOPHYTES" on 22:01:39 03/12/00 Sun

>Plants may be classified ecologically according to
>their light requirements, those needing full sunlight
>for good growth are known as heliophytes, while those
>growing best in shade are known as sciophytes.
>However, some plants are more adaptable than others
>are, so there are heliophytes that will grow in
>partial shade and sciophytes which are not damaged by
>bright light. In both cases, the plants grow best in
>positions where their light requirements are most
>nearly met. Pioneer species of tropical forests are
>heliophytes, while secondary species, which colonize
>the area after establishments of heliophytic trees are
>sciophytes. Examples of heliophytes are sugar cane,
>sunflower and maize.
> Heliophytes are capable of a more efficient use
>of high light intensities than sciophytes. Heliophytes
>can never reach photosynthetic saturation under
>natural conditions, however intense the light.
>Sciophytes, on the other hand, can often reach
>saturation level at light intensities of only 20% full
>sunlight. The shading of heliophytes strongly reduces
>growth and reproduction and hence yields. On the other
>hand, sciophytes are often unable to survive in full
>sunlight because their rate of chlorophyll production
>is too slow to balance the decomposition of the
>pigment by bright light. In order to make the most
>efficient use of the light available, sciophytes
>develop large leaves with extensive surfaces
>containing a high concentration of chlorophyll and
>accessory pigment. Photosynthesis is such plants
>ensure that the best use is made of light available
>from sunflecks and reflection.

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  • Re: HELIOPHYTES AND SCIOPHYTES -- mousumi, 07:55:38 11/25/15 Wed
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