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Date Posted: 20:57:06 03/05/01 Mon
Author: Koyuki
Subject: Quitting SA.. Joining new character.. um, besides an intro, I need all or most of you to read..

<font face=arial><font color=midnightblue>(As far as me personalizing pictures for people goes, I may or may not search for pictures.. in a cheetah's case, I won't, because it's a pain in the ass to find good cheetah ones.. so why not leave the work to the people who are playing cheetahs?? *Griiin*. Anyways, I'll get to personalizing tomorrow because my time on school nights is limited, in fact, I g2g after I post this.. so without further adieu, all revel in the.. panther-ness that is my new character!)

*Black as the night which conceals her from view on the vast savannah, she creeps along the horizon, golden eyes squinted as they focus on the shape boiling before her (oOo she has infra-red vision.. um.. *cough* shut up, I know panthers don't have that, so what?). It's a mongoose. A meaty one, at that. The mongoose form being a reddish-yellow blob of heat energy, it twisted around a tree, trying to avoid the dark presence stalking it. To no avail, the panther sees the rodentlike creature in her own way, and leaps upon the warm silhouette, pinning it between massive paws and claws and reaching down to snap its neck in a twist of the locking jaws*

<img src="http://www16.brinkster.com/tenshi/koyuki.jpg"></a>

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