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Date Posted: 23:30:18 03/12/01 Mon
Author: SD
Subject: <font color=navy><center>Swiftly she runs back up..

**Long graceful strides. The striped coat shimmering under the sun. Massive paws sweep along the ground. Striped coat glistening under the sun. golden orbs shimmering as she scans the area. She spots a small rabbit and layfully bonces up to it. The grass crunching under her massive paws. she nips it softly and the rabbit dashes off the grey blur races arcoss the valley. She dashe sof behind it swiftly moving. She chases after it. Ruthless eyes shimmering. the rabbit scared to death as it gets away from her in its whole. Sd let it get away cause she oly felt like play. She watches a small bird and bonces to it aplayfully pawing her paw at it. He flys away. Sd sights sadly wondering if someone will play a game with her. Her eyes narrowed as she pads off.**
<img src=http://www16.brinkster.com/tenshi/sd.jpg>

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