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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 14, 10:34:53am
Author: Kelly
Subject: Re: why in the hell would you play there; Jason
In reply to: tim 's message, "Re: why in the hell would you play there; Jason" on Wednesday, December 14, 07:45:48am

I think you took my statement the wrong way. I definitely play for the enjoyment and the love of music. What I was trying to get across is that, we were asked to play there and we did. And until you come see us live I don't think you should make comments like you did. It was very rude. We love our fans and we love music, so please come out and see us live!! No hard feelings. But trust me it's not all about the money for me. It's about the music. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

>Jason, I appreciate how you put things in order. Maybe
>I should choose my words more carefully or this whole
>thing would have not gotten blown out of control.
>Kelly was almost saying he plays just for the money
>and the other guy in the band was saying, well it
>seemed to me; here I am come get some ass. But you
>put it in a more mild manner and thanks for that. I
>was told it was a pig farm that is why I did not
>attend and yes it may have been for charity for kids
>but I have seen the pictures of the drunks that were
>there; if they are going to do it for the kids I think
>it the drinking should be controlled. That is just my
>point of view; and I am glad that you play for the
>pure enjoyment not for the almighty dollar; like Kelly
>stated before. Still a fan; no hard feelings. My wife
>and I will introduce ourselves to you at your next gig.

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